Forums - (CVS2) Ryu advanced strats and tactics. Show all 105 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- (CVS2) Ryu advanced strats and tactics. ( Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:21:2001 07:44 PM: (CVS2) Ryu advanced strats and tactics. bored so im gonna make some stuff about ryu for you guys.... Now first of all lets get one thing out of the way...Ryu is the coolest character ever.......EVER....tghere is no dout in my mind...Granted some come close like kyo,kim,ryo,strider and perhaps a few others but ryu is just like the coolest dude ever....come on you know ryu is a bad ass dont denie it... OK im gonna over some of his moves this time cuz im even more bored than when i made the kim start page....oh yeah lets hope i dont have to explain how to do his moves though...... Hadoken its a fireball..though i wish ryu had the fastest fireball like turbo....and if they didnt want it to be fast at least make it like super were when it came out the first few frames were a anti-air......sigh the delay is sorta long feeling to but anyway.....the red fireball stuns far away and knocks down up close but you knew that hopefully. Another beef with fireballs is that they can't "hit from behind really" im sure older players know what im talking about... Tasimaki senpuu kyaku Sigh....i find this move pretty worthless except in a few ocations. you can use it to knock opponents who try to roll behind you...this can work though it sorta has to be timed good....a example would be say someone in N groove is running at you and then they cancel it with a roll well you would do the hurricane kick works allright.....The move goes through can do a couple cheap throws with it...hmmmm....ummm....I guess thats it though the air hurricane kick that is a pretty good move all get into that later though... Shoryuken To bad this move isnt totaly invincable as i feel it still should be....Use the fierce shoryuken for air attacks and jab for ground attacks....with good timing nothing should be able to beat you...ive even beat kims level 3 air super using this.....though acctualy the fierce is also quite good for ground attacks, as acctualy have time i just end up using this as my reversal for wake ups....ive beat supers like the joes double hurricane and rocks raging storm ect.(moves that the other guy wants you to get up into...even though its a ground move i still beat these moves with the fierce with quite a bit of ease acctually...perhaps supers are both ground and air??)...Anyway the reason i think capcom changed the shoryukens is so they would take a bit more skill and its more risky to do the fierces all the time because of the delay..How they programed the jabs to get knocked out by air attacks is beyound me though...i mean you can do a jab in the invincablity frame and still get knocked out....well whatever... Shinkuu kateogoma......opps sorry i mean Shinkuu hadoken. Super know what it does level 1 is quite good and is part of the "CLAYTON TACTIC".....oh i got your attention there eh??....well more on that later... shinkuu tatsimaki senpuu kyaku you in..level one hits 6 times now...level 2 10..level 3 14..unfortanatly have the time you dont get all the hits...better priorty in this game...and farily safe if blocked.. Shin Shooooooooooryuuuuuuken!!!!! Ah...the coolest move ever...even more so than the final shodown....unforatantyl this move is quite toned down...which is stupid cuz its not like it was cheaty in the first game.....and even if it was ryu is the main character so STFU...basicly just use this move as a anti-air and to counter stuff....also low jump ducking foward shin shoryuken is good. Hop kick Man what happend to this move....though it hits lower now(so its unable to go through certain fireball like gulies.) it still goes over some ducking opponents...and now he can be swept out of it by certain characters...sigh....freaking stupid....its toned down but still usefull in some situtations. Rushing fierce This move is apparently some people dont like it but it acctualy has some strange see where ever you start this move after it hits you will end up in the same place where you started....try it out you will see what i mean...this move is also good if start it right next to the opponent you will be in the exact same spot as them when it ends...they will most likely try a counter attack and that when you stuff it with a shoryuken...this move can also be used from max distance so its sorta like poking thim and landing in the same spot were you started..though i still wish you could combo after it..It also has fair priorty and can hit certain low moves..ive beat naks low slide move a few times..though i wouldn't necsicsarly be using this move to beat stuff. Top down attack punch(i dunno what ever its called toward MP) its a top down attack..use this if they block low and are slow.......otherwise if there not sleeping, or smoking some fruity pebble shit this move anit happning... Sigh ok done with his moves.... How are you gonna play with ryu...well defence with a lil bit of offence now in then..or you could just go half and half. You can actually sorta turtle with ryu if your confident enough and no what your doing..though it takes quite a bit of patience to do this..not like iroi who can do this quite easily...Like iroi can firball/dragon punch quite easily though ryu its sorta hard..Though the game system accually with the right patince will allow for that type stlye dont think you cant do it...cuz you can... Other things to remember when you practice with ryu the most important thing(at least i feel)is to practice reversals....I remember when i started teaching my brother how to play back in the day I was always like "zack if you can get your reversals down..and close to a 100% you will be should be able to hit anything that you can even remotly see coming....." and now my brothers is just about as good as me at granted a 100% can not exactly be accomplish but if you can get your shoryukens down you have a gained a termendous advantage against your opponent...if you can see it you should hit it.... GROOVE SELECTION C=C is get level ones very fast....and ryus level 1 super fireball is quite good. N= I'd have to say i like N the best as running can help, and all those supers are a nice plus...also low jumpin is quite important aginast character that have a low to the ground block... A=custom combos....i dont care for themm.....NEXT. S=groove this is pretty nice as with ryu, you dont really have to roll....also unlimted level 1s helps the..."CLAYTON TACTIC"...bwha ha ha....yeah your getting excited..... P= sad to say.....but P groove is pretty good with ryu....i hate parrying but im not gonna lie to ya. K= Hmm......if it werent for K having the supers running out..i would say that this is better than P....but i would say P groove wins slightly... Ok sorry im gonna cut it short right there...i jsut wanna make sure this all goes up first then all countinue.(ive written sutff only to have it not go up...err.....that makes me mad...) so im coming back i n a few min...all go into the starts and how to play aganist and in certain grooves...and then all be back later to write more. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:21:2001 08:26 PM: RYU ADVANCED STRATS AND TACTICS ok youve been waiting for this..... THE CLAYTON TACTIC what is this marvolus tactic???...well its basicly just a standing fierce into a level 1 super fireball...nice ne???...Now first of all im sure you all know how good ryus standing fierce is by now.(what took you all so long anyway...?) The standing fierce is just a great poke and is fast and has high priorty....Now the thing is when you cancle the standing fierce into a shinkuu hadoken(only use a level use in wasting all your supers.) even from a fair distance away your opponent must block the shinkuu hadoken the stun of this move is quite great...and if you hit with the standing fierce on a counter hit you can literaly combo from like half way accros the screen...the beauty of this is that since its so simple you can go into this tactic from like...umm..anything...a simple cross up mk, ducking lk,lp,standing fierce cancle shinkuu hadoken can take away like half there gaurd meter..also when you use this the right way you always get pushed out like exactly half screen away...perfect distance so if the opponent trys to roll you can like throw them or even go back into the tactic again from say a lk,lp fierce shinkuu hadoken and push them the fuck away again ..also from half distance if they jump there jsut asking for the are some ways to go into this... hop kick, standing fierce , shinkuu hadoken ducking mp, standing fierce, shinkuu hadoken ducking lk,lp,standing fierce, shinkuu hadoken just poke with the standing fierce , shinkuu hadoken I think you get the idea...just remeber to cancle your standing fierces with the shinkuu hadoken this works great i tell ya...and is quite frustarting to..i have afreind that used this on me and man i got like damn come up with your own tactic bitch...always stilling brother actually refuse to use this as he feels it is cheaty... Now ok...granted you CAN get out of this(at least from say a ducking lk,lp, standing could reversal the standing fierce...the standing fierce, shinkuu hadoken can not be rolled through parryed or anything wih the correct timing.)....but you see the thing is you can go into it from so many things it makes it very hard to guess when to reversal or whatever..this tactic is also can proove ruthless in S groove..though of course your almost dead by then...Yes i know you all love me.... Coner traping with this tactic what ever this is a great lil' thing you should do, and abuse... PATTERNS UP CLOSE when your up close ryu can do so many granted some of these are gonna say like running or dashing so use common since groove wise here..thaks.. PATTERNS WITH THE DUCKING MP Ryus ducking mp should not be underestimated it has quite good prority and can link(chain whatever)into ducking fierce, mk. 1.Ducking mp,mk 1a.fireball 1b.hop kick 1ba.fierce (cancle into shinkuu hadoken if you have it. 1bb.ducking mk(cancle into fireball if need be...this is just to poke at the enmey right here.) 1c.low jump 1ca.dont do anything and when you land do a ducking mk, into a shin shoryuken...this is very good many people for for this as they think they have to block high. 1cb.roundhouse 1cc...again dont do anything when you jump and throw. nothing when you jump again and start the pattern over. 1d. lk hurricane kick then land and throw them..., standing fierce(cancle if need be) 2a.dash standing fierce agian. RUSHING FIERCE Ok im gonna keep it short and of my fave tactic is just to do his this move from a distance and then do a hop kick standing fierce.... A hop kick after this move is quite effective. Also as I said earlier when up close a shoryuken after words is could also do a hurricane kick after this move when up should cross up your opponent and then land shoryuken...why do the shoryuken when you cross up and not when you alnd in front of them??..because when you get crossed up you like almost always sorta like get mad and just jam on lk type just do the shoryuken to hit them out of this. Though you could throw them again. STARTING WITH THE DUCKING LK,lP well basicly use this as the same as the mp,mk. STOPING CROSS UPS yeah cross ups are annyoing...though the rushin fierce acctually works for cross ups!!...."ummm..WTF?" yeah i know sounds wierd but try see if the opponent try to croos you up do a rushing fierce they will just slightly miss you and then throw them when they land..i know it sound weird but this works....also if you anticapate the cross up walk foward like your asking for the hit..then just do the shoryuken the other way...why i jsut expalined that is im sure many times when you get crossed up or something you do the shoryuken a different way than you motined it..doing this will allow you to not have this problem as you will turn around you can tell to do the shoryuken the way you want. They will pass over you..this works good for annoying type cross up characters(nak) as lots of times your not nescisarly doing the corss up to combo but to mess with the opponent. A TACTIC THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED BUT IS ok this doesnt just go for the other ryu players out there....other character like geese use this as well...and well you realy shouldn't...the ducking lk,lp,mk fireball(or other slight varations)...please do not try and abuse this push out tactic of sorts...this tactic has seruios problems and should not be used if your playing a character that can roll...this does not combo!!!..i swear people try to use this against my iroi or kim and im jsut like ok shoot the fireball after the mk..all roll in between and throw them or combo them...perhaps its jsut that have the time my charaters have fast rolls...but still i wouldnt realy heavly on this as a lot of people seem to...every now and thenm is ok...but unless your vs. P or K groove i would try and stay away from this.... OK well im agettin gbored of time all try and go into playing in and against certain grooves. Posted by GalzPanic on 12:21:2001 09:18 PM: Hurricane kick by itself is no good, but it's easily comboable off 3 low shorts. Also, if you do low shorts, you must be able to do something also, like hurrican kick or shinkuu hadouken. A good Ryu is always able to turn 1 low short into 4-6 hits. Basically all his moves are good for something, but you have to mix it up. Those attack stringy things are good. Good job man I like your Kim thread too Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:22:2001 03:49 AM: ANTI-AIR GAME Well obivusly your gonna use the fierce dragon punch for this...Just remember dont like be afriad of a move the fierce with the correct timing will beat anything..though if you see a level 3 air super i suppose you could block it as the timing to beat those are pretty hard....other anti-airs would be his roundhouse...the roundhouse has pretty good priorty and if you hit with it close enough(though if there close you should have just done the shoryuken) you can cancle it. Shin shoryuken is a good anti-air at times...though if your opponent like "empty jumps" at you well it will most likely go through the first hit and you just get the crappy version..the hit bocks is like really small when the opponent jumps like this...also if your fooling around you could use the standing fierce as a anti-air from a far distance...though i would do this...The roundhouse should also be fairly usefull against low jumpers.. POKING GAME sigh...i really wish ryu could poke..i mean he can..but its nothing like i suppose...anyway the standing fierce of course is gonna be your main poke...this hits blocking opponents and also can sorta beat low moves...You get pushed quite a fair distance after it to which is always nice....Ducking mk can be used...Rushing fierce is all right though this is really effectice if you are folowing up with something..or this was the follow up, as it is slow....Hop kick at times can be usefull. Also though it may not look like it the ducking mp is usefull...say dash ducking mp, or run ducking mp...Sigh...well honestly now ryu has never been a poking machine. Though poking was never ryus strongest feature anyway. Still hes ok at times. STOPING ROLLS How to stop rolls eh???...well throw....ducking mk, fireball. Or you could do a lk,lp, standing fierce. get the idea...If you anticapte the opponent to roll behind you the hurricane kick will work. Though this does take a bit of timing...Also the super hurricane kick is good...though not as good as it would seem really...alot of tiems they can acctualy block after the roll..just the luck of the draw that his foot is swinging the other way i guess. In S-Groove the dodge fierce acctually when timed corectly is pretty good. CHEAP STUFF Well even to this day i still use this tactic...I thought it was called the "watson" though ive heard its been called the "mike" well what ever the fuck it is, this is pretty good. Cross up mk, standing lp(misses most likely cuz the opponent blocks low) then throw...yep that basicly what it is..if you hit go into a combo...very effective..Low jumping then do nothing and throw is also good..and of course the classic ducking lk, throw.....Warning though if your gonna purposly try to throw your opponent try to keep it as a minumum..cuz really while sometimes throws are needed they are abused at times so dont be a meanie. ok lets get into a bit groove specifics C-GROOVE(playing as) C groove is good for not sure if its better than say N but it has definite possablitys. Sometimes i feel i like dashing while at times I just hate it..Supers charge up very fast in this a matter a fact you should be ashamed of your self it you dont have a level 3 by the end of the match....Abuse this to your advantage like chipping with the standing fierce into shinkuu hadoken...In C groove you can try and poke and then end it with the fierce and then dash right back in and start the combonation over again...Thats about the best thing i can say for dashing as the dash is jsut set at a very fair a nice distance...though of course beware of doing stuff like this to much as well you'll probably get hit. N-GROOVE N groove is probably my fave..the low jumping and running really help me out when i need to get the offence on. running then stop and ducking mp is a tactic that i use farily frequently though don't get to predictable. Also remember that you can cancle your run into say a jump or roll..I wouldn't really worry about level 3s as your level 1s are effective enough...Also becuase ryu isnt a poking machine like kim the extra damge is not always woth the super..though if you have 4 supers then it shouldn't be a problem... Low jumping is farily effective though since you cant really combo after it i would really only do it at a safe distance as low jumping close is just asking to get thrown when you land...You could also cross up with the low jump...this is very effective against certain characters...Make sure your right on top of the opponent though as low jumping is so slow. A-GROOVE i dont play A groove nuff said...Though A fairly cool looking custom combo is like shoryuken then lots of hurricane kicks..yep pretty cool ne?...sigh..sorry dont like this groove. P-GROOVE Sad but true ryu is good in P groove...Man i jsut dislike parrying...Though ryu is good as ryu doesn't always really need to roll..unfortantly the only level 3s hurt your constant barrage of level ones but shit happens..Of course parry shoryuken is gonna be a main weapon..Dont even bother to parry a shit load of hit if you see it just go into the shoryuken immeditly..The standing fierce is also good in parrying..just parry then whap em' with the fierce its got fair range and if you have the super cancle it into the level 3..When you jump in parry then fierce, ducking mk, fireball is a basic combo..or if you have the super jump in parry shin shoryuken. Also if your not confident in your parring after you parry one move you could always just block after the first attack. S-GROOVE I like S groove...again ryu doesnt always require a roll so its sorta like getting something for free. remeber after the dodge going right into the shoryuken is very effective...granted this feels very strange and requires a bit more timing than the charge characters..Like say terry who is very effective dodging roundhouse or rising tackle right after it...It works just takes a bit of timeing...the fierce out of the dodge is mean. You can use this to knock opponents out of rolls....Very fast and high priority...this is just awsome really this could nearly win you a match if you were timing it good enough and if you had a bit of luck on your side..Dodge throw also works good...though watch for the throw yourself...When you see a comboor some poking combo nation the opponent is doing on you just keep pressing lp,lk while blocking then when the lil' opening comes you'll go into then press fierce....The kick after the dodge is nice also cancle with a fireball after words...or if your opponent is sleeping you dcould probably do just a standing fierce after words...Charge when you have the opritunity...One of the best things about S groove is of course the unlimited level 1s....And well of cousre the shinuu hadoken at the right distance is unpunishable.....And of course with the unlimited level 1s "THE CLAYTON TACTIC' is ready to kick some ass!!! This is just mean like this cuz your always breaking there gaurd and it isnt gonna be stoping anytime soon as long as you guess right..also unlike in KOF you can acctualy start a round or "red" which works to your favor...yeah capcoms pretty stupid well this works in your favor so don't complain i guess.....OF course your almost dead when this happens so be carefull. K-GROOVE Like i said ealier P i think has a slight advantage over K. One thing though its easier in K to JD a cross up then to use this to your advantage....JD what ever you can see then shoryuken you get the picture..Also when JD in the air remember that you bounce up this can etheir work to your advantage or work against you. When your raged I wouldn't even worry about the supers to much jsut try and begin your offence at this time and hit the opponent with as much as you can before you run out then right before your out end with a super hurricane kick for block damage or standing fierce then shinkuu hadoken.. Id pick this mode if you dont really care for ryus supers. PLAYING AGAINST P-GROOVE while there goes the shoryuken for your anti-air im gonna tell you that right now...Your gonna have to think of a differnet way to knock them out of the air also the shin-shoryuken is pretty useless now to. The only way your gonna do these is if you see the opponent attack....Which doesnt really happen...Id use the standing roundhouse from a bit far away as since it comes out a bit early you might get them on suprise. If there right on top of you do a standing fierce(close)then if your lucky try and cancle into the shoryuken though id perfer the super hurricane after the close standing fierce...Also you can use the air hurricane kick against jump ins...sorta like super jump towards the opponet then air hurricane kick..make sure you do it fast. Or if your feeling brave(like if you think they might just empty jump or something) throw them when they land...Parrying also hurts fireballs but granted they can't roll anymore so they can still be effective....your gonna hve to be offensive..Dont jump straight in always try and time it so you croos up the enemy..If your gonna jump straight in make sure you etheir do nothing then land and throw...or time your jump in attacks very diff each time...You could try a jumping lk, hurricane kick..Alot of times they end up parrying the lk and just blocking the hurricane kick. If your winning you can try to bait your opponent with fireballs..they will most likely edge closer and closer making this easier for you do cross them up and make your offensive move. Also if you have a fast super or something lets say the shin shoryuken remember one advantage that you have in this match but not parrying is that you can cancle your moves which may save you..Example you parry a move well then i cancle into the level 3 where you were goning to try and attack...Also if they parry the standing fierce where you were going into the shinkuu hadoken cancle into the shinkuu tastismaki senpuu kick to save your self and hit there coming attack. K-GROOVE The disavantages for this match are that you can't cancle a JD move...You can still use the shoryuken as a anti air though you'll have to use the jab dragon punch instead..If you use the fierce and they JD they will be able to hit you...Using the jab should allow you enough time to land before them and then you should be safe..You could acctually just do antother Dragon punch if you wanted. Fireball are gonna be a no no this match becuase of JD and getting a super...Granted not horrible but stil a no no... Your probably gonna have to play a bit more offensive in this match..When you jump in or cross up remember to time it as deep as you can so after the JD you can still follow up with out the fear of being hit....Thankfully K-groove eats up "THE CLAYTON TACTIC" pretty nicely...lots of standing fierces into shinkuu hadokens, hop kick then fierce punch shinkuu hadokens you get the picture...At far away enough even if they JD the standing fierce(say your poking at max range) you should be safe. Oh yeah when i was doing that pattern thing a lk hurricane kick into a level 1 super hurricane works really well if youve been using the Hurricane kick throw thing..As they will most likely be expecting it so they will try and poke and well you get the idea..... GalzPanic Im glad you like my kim strat page thankyou very much im here to help i jsut bored after work sometimes and well i dunno im bored so i made it.....yeah but thanks again.. Ok im tired of writing again so all be back with more later...sorry for all this stop and go type shit. All be back. Posted by hyt on 12:22:2001 04:07 AM: c.LK, c.LP, c.MK => Hadoken can be rolled through, but c.LK, c.MK/c.HP => Hadoken will unlikely be rollable since the opponent will not be able to recover from guard stun fast enough. I like th CLAYTON TACTIC though. Reminds me of a 3S tactic where you use s.MP as a meduim range poke which cancels into ShinKuHadoken and EX Hadoken. The solution to playing against a P-Groove player is 1) Be more unpredictable and random with pokes. 9/10 the other person parries your move because he saw it coming. 2) When you're dealing with a ground against air game. Stick out a s.LP or s.MP. s.HP might work but I forgot the recovery of that thing. Since the recovery window in P-Groove is smaller, you'll be able to block even if they parry some of your moves. Or you can also s.LP => Shoryuken. If your opponent air-parried from high up in the jump, you could always bait the hit an throw them when they land. Playing against someone with a Parry or JD is about mind games really. Most experienced 3S players will anticipate this. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:22:2001 05:24 AM: hyt To my knowledge the ducking mk into a ducking fierce will not combo...Did you mean the ducking mp, fierce???..i know that combos. That might work though im pretty sure after a ducking lk,mp, they would be to far away for the ducking fierce to hit....though even if it did combo i think they would still be able to roll out of it as its just the way the game say you do a ducking mk, into hangestzan with kim..if they get hit it combos though if they block they can reversal.....its stupid but just how the cookie crumbles i guess...i think just a ducking mp,ducking fierce hadoken might work im not sure though. Thanks for the compliament in the "clayton tactic" though. Posted by Splatterhouse on 12:22:2001 11:47 AM: Uh... yeah... that's all good. But, I'm more of an E.Ryu person myself. I find the extra combo ablitiy and the Shungokusatsu far more advantageous than the totally well rounded Ryu. j.Fierce, c.short x2, Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (LK), Shoryuken (HP) Or what about... c.Roundhouse (from max range), buffer-> Shungokusatsu? That worked really well until the tactical recovery thing. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:22:2001 03:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by Splatterhouse Uh... yeah... that's all good. But, I'm more of an E.Ryu person myself. I find the extra combo ablitiy and the Shungokusatsu far more advantageous than the totally well rounded Ryu. j.Fierce, c.short x2, Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku (LK), Shoryuken (HP) Or what about... c.Roundhouse (from max range), buffer-> Shungokusatsu? That worked really well until the tactical recovery thing. Ummmm.......... .....thanks....I suppose we could talk about evil ryu in the thread....Let try and keep it to regular ryu if we could.....If you do wannna talk about evil ryu just make sure you say its abou evil ryu..You did so thats good just for future references... As for the last thing...nothing about the tactic really but man ryus crouching roundhouse sure does blow....I wish this move was better in the game....I have trouble just trying a say 2 ducking lks, into a sweep fireball push out..its just so freaking slow and low priorty...its not even like i get reversal out of it i get poked out of it...granted the pokes are fairly fast but still kinda sucks. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:22:2001 04:22 PM: AIR TO AIR When your both in the the strong works good...unfortantly i feel that this move is awkaward to use and well its not like super turbo were a super fireball could be done after it. I usealy use the fierce in the air....Use the roundhouse if they are a bit father away. You could use the air hurricane kick also if your vs someone in C groove you can try and time it so they block all the hits and you land on the ground at the same time...Then try and poke really fast,throw,or shoryuken. AIR TO GROUND When your jumping in on your opponent your gonna use the fierce you can beat or trade badly timed shoryuken with this move..and should be able to beat or trade with good timed anti air.(i wouldn't expect to beat a good timed shoryuken as they are the best...a few others are good like irois oniyaki....though most you shouldn't have a ton of trouble..nothing that can kill you at least.) Jumping in with a lk and then cancle into the air hurricane kick is good....You can follow up with this very nicely when the opponent sorta stick to them pretty effective when used sparingly....Of course your gonna cross up with the mk...And when you jump in and your a bit farther away you could jump in with the roundhouse.....Unfortatnly though i wish the roundhouse was better but you really should use the fierce..(most be how i like kicks more than punchs....remember how ryus jumping roundhouse looked in alpha that looked really cool..but then they changed it in alpha 3...whats up with that......sigh...i suppose its stupid to complain about how a move looks....though then again dont you think the shin shoryuken should have those energy wave type things........ok all just stop for your own good..) Also when you jump in you could cross up with the air hurricane kick..Just sorta jumpin in and do a hurricane kick, if timed right you should fly over the enemy..Now a bad thing or good thing depending on the situition is that your leg doesn't always hit them....if you dont hit them go for a throw. Its sorta awkaward but its fast and may catch people by suprise. PLAYING AGAINST C,A,N-GROOVE OK im goona put all these together as they are not vastly different to play against unlike P and K. First lets get one A thing away...Don't worry about shoryuken getting beat by the talking about sometimes people do them as they expect the opponent a to try a anti-air well when you do the fierce shoryken and they try to blow through it you acctualy should go right through each other you'll land and then you get hit..But i wouldn't really worry about getting beat im any case you should beat them. Now onto how to play agaist them....hmmmmm....I play ryu different some times so this is sorta wierd....You can attualy play ryu with quite the bit of offence but you really need to becarefull and switch it up..A lot of times all try and do a bad version of the fireball/dragon punch trap.(i say bad cuz its sorta hard to do...iroi can acctually do a fairly good version...again the game system will allow for this to happen but it takes quite a bit of patience.) Try to obvuisly play definsve and and bait your opponent with the fireballs stay a fair distance away(slightly farther than half screen) if the opponent jump shoryuken if they roll poke them out of it.(really rolling is the trouble you should actualy when i paly i hardly ever am jumped in on anymore as for the fear of the shoryuken, unless of course the P or K grrove...the fierce shoryuken really is invincable and there jumping game should diminish very quickly) Well you are gradualy hitting your opponent you should be slowly working them into a corner...Do a few pokes when there close maybe the hop kick from time to time..If you see openings go for some cross ups or whatever....When there in the corner ryu can do some damage...Use the "CLAYTON TACTIC" its usefull in other places as well but when your in the corner this is just mean. You should always be pushed about half screen perfect distance..If they jump to get out well shoryuken if they roll poke them back into the corner..Now if you don't have supers well the fierce alone is a pretty good move by its self. Also if your about half screen you can purposly wiff moves like just stand there and do a couple roundhouse(this is good because this will stop them if there trying to force there way out with a low jump then combo..if they do manage to low jump ant hit you throw them when they land if you can..toss them right back in there.) Also wiffing just random moves like ducking mk, standing lks...Also lots of ducking mps are good this move has good priorty and stuffs a lot of moves. You want your opponent to try and think they can get out only for you to put them right back in. Though of course poking like this can be a problem so don't be stupid about it...If they are just standing there you can dash or run in do a lil' poke combo nation and end with a fireball.....NOw if your ever in a corner remember if you can see the move you should be able to hit it...Also one of the rare uses for ryu to roll is to get out of the corner and then put your caracter in the corner...This works pretty well cuz other than that ryu doesn't really need to roll.......Also if you have opening corss up a lot always be working on there gaurd meter..Ryu is pretty effective actualy at this(not as good as kim mind you but pretty good.) Since there gaurd is broken a lot(and not to mention it happens quite suddenly also not with kim where its just always going down...ryu is more like he does one thing gets you down about half gaurd power and then it just goes on from there.) Hopefully your opponent will be afarid of this and you will have more opritunities to hei them with shoryuken when they are just trying to stop blocking and they will come to you.(the gaurd gauge being visable and the bigger playing feid is really what makes a semi fireball/dragon punch trap work.) Sorry if i explaind this wrong hopefully you have good intincts when to play definsivly and offensivly. CHEAP STUFF(contiuned) Oh yeah i forgot..Low jump and press mp this will miss and you can go for as throw. OK thats all....i can't think of anything else at the moment... Remeber even though KOF is still better than SF there can only be one coolest charcter and he is.... *dramatic pause* Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:23:2001 02:04 AM: Oh geez..that was fast huh?? Anyway i was bored so i decided to mess around with S groove some more....and i acctually found(well maybe not to you)pretty usefull little things...I tested it out a bit and it seems to work though i still have to pratice it a bit more to make sure.... Anyway basicly what i was doing was well poking and then going into a dodge sorta. Now you sorta are trying to push yourself to a pretty far range because even though it still worked well when i was close i could see that i may have problems if i kept doing that. Basicly waht im gonna show is your gonna see that your gonna wanna be a bit farther away than usaly. Anyway this was acctually quite effective here is some examples. 1.ducking lk,lp,mk, hop kick, dodge 1a.fierce while in the dodge(or any punch whatever) remeber if need be you can delay the fierce. 1b.just stay in the dodge if they come foward and try to throw kick out of the dodge and cancle into a hurricane kick. 1c. after the dodge if they jump or something do a shoryuken at the end of the dodge. 1.ducking lk,lk,lp, dodge...then basicly read the above. Now if your a bit closer you can still do the fierce out of it though there is a greater risk for bening hit. So your probably gonna stick with the kick out of it...Here are some examples. 1.ducking mp, dodge 1a. fierce out of dodge.(again you can use this but i think the kick is better) 1b.kick out of dodge 1ba.cancle into hurricane kick. 1baa.if they were blocking low throw them as you land. 1bb.cancle into the red fireball(make sure its red because you want to knock them down..besides they can hit you after the blue one.) 1bc.super fireball.(if you have it.) OK i think i sorta explained that bad but this is pretty good. You see its almost like giving the punch or the kick out of the dodge some invincabilty...its good to because when your poking and you just dodge out of no were its like "well i guess im gonna try and poke him as im a bit to far away to exactly combo him." and well then you just whap him with a move that sorta now has invincabily...also if they relize this and just block well thats not gonna hurt you in anyway...If they have a super and you just expect it well jsut countinue to hold back....also if the opponent trys to delay there attacks and bait you well then basicly the best gambler is gonna win here so hopefuly your instincts are good. Really after any poking combonation dodgeing just randomly works pretty well..Any combonation of pokes that i said ealier like ducking mp,mk then dodge for example works good..Also remember to practice the timing for the shoryukens out of the dodge... OK well that was sorta short but i think you get what im saying...OK thats all for now. Posted by KingRaoh on 12:24:2001 02:08 AM: great strats, keep 'em coming. ryu is my favorite character (chun-li a close second). any strats for fighting individual characters? say...wait for it...sagat or blanka. everyone plays those dudes. i have a 50/50 chance against a good sagat and blanka usually out plays me. everyone else i seem to be able to handle (often enough). also, does that standing fierce into shinku hadouken work during both of his animated poses, close and far. i played some dude that used that tactic a couple of days ago. i don't remember if he was only doing it with the close standing fierce. thanks Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:24:2001 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by KingRaoh great strats, keep 'em coming. ryu is my favorite character (chun-li a close second). any strats for fighting individual characters? say...wait for it...sagat or blanka. everyone plays those dudes. i have a 50/50 chance against a good sagat and blanka usually out plays me. everyone else i seem to be able to handle (often enough). also, does that standing fierce into shinku hadouken work during both of his animated poses, close and far. i played some dude that used that tactic a couple of days ago. i don't remember if he was only doing it with the close standing fierce. thanks Hey thanks dude. The fierce im talking about is the far one(thats why all those lil' combonations time things i posted above work as you want to be far)...Im sure youve probably heard by now how good it is and this lil thing will make the fierce even more deadly..Yes you can cancle it from a close as well but they both combo when timed corectly and on a counter hit the far fierce combos into the shinkuu hadoken from max range...It almost would seem as half screen...Its really good and should be abused. OK well onto sagat and blanka...Well im not gonna lie to you first of all blanka should beat ryu...yep sad but true Blanka is just a bastard to just about everybody....well all try to help you though...Also sorry but these are gonna be sorta short as i really play ryu about the same against everybody besides a few maybe lil' things. SAGAT Acctually that new S groove thing i just put up really works well against sagat...just like running up a bit and then dodge and fierce out of dodge(or any punch you want the same move still comes out.) This works really well cuz if you time it right its almost like giving the punch invicablity frames. This works really good if your just about say half screen away from sagat as you should beat his poke and beat his fireballs realy easily...just get to that distance and wait for a poke, fireball or whatever and go into the dodge then fierce.....You could acctualy even be farther than half screen as you'll be able to hit his limbs. Also the punching out of the dodge will let you control the tempo of the match. S groove ryu should have the advantage over sagat......For the other ryus though its tougher...You can have a fireball war with sagat and try to anticapate his next fireball and then go into your super fireball...but the same thing could be said for sagat...If you can anticapate a low fireball you should jump and combo them...I wouldnt worry to much about sagat jumping in on you so you should be safe throwing fireball from that stand point at least...Though of course that could be bad considering your shoryukens wont be used that much....The only realy use for the shoryukens for counter attack type situations...Example say sagat is poking you with standing lks well block the first one and shoryuken the second one. Your pokes well probably be standing fierce and maybe ducking mk though these have to be done at about max range as you dont wanna get to close to where you will be hit by the first hit of his standing attacks.(like stading lk) You can try and like run up a step(or dash though running is more preferable) and stick out ducking mps this should beat sagats pokes...i'd be carefully on cancling it into say a fireball though if sagat can roll as it wont combo and you could get fucked up...Also since you wanna be poking at max range a you wouldn't wanna try and chain it with a ducking mk after words...A hop kick or step foward and standing fierce would be better. With the ducking mp try and use it as a lil shield(ok thats not the best of words but anyways) of sorts against the pokes....sorta like step ducking strong step ducking strong...Once he see his pokes getting beating he will probably go to firebals so be ready with some of your own. It might be something like this... 1...step foward ducking mp, step foward ducking mp.. 1a...then you start getting a lil' closer so you hop kick 1aa. Hopefully for awhile you'll be able to do a shoryuken after the hop kick as the sagat will usally try to poke after this..this will probably only work for a bit though. 1ab. If there starting to block after the hop kick do another ducking mp. 1abc. then hop kick again perhaps.(annoy them ya know...then stick a shoryuken after the hop kick if need be or whatever.) 2. step foward(or if your in appopriate distance) standing fierce. If you can manage the to knock sagat down take the advantage and cross him up and just start trying to unload on as much gaurd damage bull shit as you can like..... 1.cross up mk 2.then ducking lk,lk,lp, 2a.hop kick 2aa.shoryuken 2ab.fierce cancle if need be into the "clayton tactic" 2ac.ducking mk , hop kick then shoryuken or fierce and cancle if need be. 3.ducking mp,mk 3a.hop kick 3b.ducking mp 3ba.hadoken 3bb.tastimaki senpuu kyaku (lk version) 3bba.throw when you land 3bbb.shoryuken when you land 3bbc.super hurricane kick(you could honestly just do this at random since its pretty safe) 3bbd.start over at 3b. 3bbe.start over at 2. Man those are pretty bad...those were basicly the same as attack strings as ealier(except try and make them longer as i tried to show in 3.)...what im sorta trying to say is though try and add like a extra move prehaps to your lil' combonations make sagat want to poke out of them more thats what he wants to do anyway..So then you should have the opritunity to shoryuken him. If you can get sagat low enough on gaurd gauge or perferbly on health(not a lot but more than say 5-10%..well maye 12-15 around there you might start)you can try and zone sagat your self...Since sagat doesnt have the best roll you should be able to punish his roll...Also just ware him out with fireballs countering with your super fireballs of your own while watching out with his. Ryu does ok against sagat when played right though id say S is the best against him. BLANKA blanka suks he is just a all around(well basicly) good character. He can be played offensivly but your really trouble is gonna lie when he play defense...The offence can be bad at times cuz his jump is just so damn fast..though as long as your fast on your reflexes hopefully the offensive part won't pose a problem...Another bad thing about this bastard is that you can't really play definsive unless you are just about exactly all the way across the screen...Yep even half screen and 3-4ths yyour most likely gonna get fucked up...Fireballs are a no no against anything besides full screen and up close...that sliding fierce of his jsut kills you. I wouldn't worry about his ball move the thing that fuck ryu up(ammong others) is his crouching fierce, jumping fierce...though moves give me the most trouble..other honerable mentions like the slide are also bad...To beat the slide you can just do the ducking mp...If need be cancle into the fireball though be carefull....If your planning on using the hop kick well don't...he can duck under it and mess you up..The only reason you should use this move is to throw them after you land for a little suprise...If you have a groove with low jumping use that to gain your ground instead...try to do this at a safe enough distance so you cant be thrown and still have time to follow up with a poke such as the ducking mp...also you can try and cancle the low jump land with a fireball though be carefull as you can be hit because of the delay if done at the wrong can use this as a push out tactics of sorts but then again you gotta be offensive against this bastard.....Try and slowley get in accepatable range(be close) with the ducking mp or other moves and get in cross up range and cross him up a lot blanka should be able to harm you to bad unless he has a level 3 and even then he shouldn't have the time to charge as you wana just get a few cross ups in a after you land from the cross up go into a set of pokes(remember not to far away) and then super jump and cross him up again and go into a few more pokes and when your satisfied end with the standing fierce into shinkuu hadoken. The fierce is also a good poke in this match as it will hit blanka even if he is blocking low...and well that block of his is annoying of course. Though a problem that may of course come up with this is that blankas ducking fierce and your standing fierce are both in about the same range(blankas being longer) So your gonna have to contend with this a lot when you try and poke with the fierce..If you have the super by all means go into the "clayton tactic" after the fierce.(standing fierce into the shinkuu hadoken)..of course a problem with this could be that you are pushing blanka to far away though hopefully this will annoy him.You should be able to charge up super against blanka using stuff like this. Blankas main anti-air will most likely be his jumping staright up fierce...the standing fierce may be used but this is the one you should be worried about. You can trade hits with this(like using the fierce) though you want to cleanily beat it and keep your offensive so trading just won't cut it. You should use the jumping lk to beat this...When this happens you will both land nearly the same time and then the mind games will begin...when you land you must judge weather or not to go into poking combonations or a shoryuken if you think they will counter....this will be your main offensive against blocking as he has no real anti-air so he must jump up and do the fierce or let him self be comboed....You will beat this and then your offence must start. I will try and give some examples.... 1.jump up lk land....ducking lk,lp,standing fierce(cancle into shinkuu hadoken if nescisary) 2a.shoryuken 3.after the poking combonation jump staright back in(super jump if you have to..the stick out the lk..if he doesn't jump well combo him) land again and start from 1. here is something closer combo nation 1.ducking mp,mk 2.hop kick(if he is standing probably wont happen but just in case. if he does block a shoryuken if you think he will attack when you land....or if he block then do ducking mp...ok now go to 3.) 3.jump up and cross him up 4.go into another poking combonation(start from the one i posted above whatever) Basicly what that was was just trying to give some examples of how to abuse blankas not very good air game....hopefully you can use this to your advantage...Add some cheaps(like throws) in there what ever. The S-groove thing should work farily well that i said also this should be able to take out the crouching fierce as a poke.(dodge fierce) If he starts poking with the slide well do a shoryuken out of the dodge. Also try and guess the blanka pokes and counter them with shoryukens as i said with sagat when your in close make him want to attack you..... phew...thats a lot of still say unfortantly blanka has the advantage over ryu..sad but true but thats the way the cookie crumbles i guess..... Sorry those tactics acctually seem sorta bad i really wish i could give you a sort a instant kill against them....well at least you know ryu is still cooler.....hope this helps a bit. later Posted by Namor8 on 12:24:2001 06:26 PM: yeah, those are the basic tactics i use against sagat and blanka. S groove shuts sagat down. i play mai alot and she has good pokes after her dodge. most people just poke with sagat and dodge helps here alot. dodge ain't so great against blanka cause he recovers mega quick like. blanka is tough with ryu, i use the ol' super jump with short and try to cross up alot. when blanka is turtling i usually bait him with fireballs and standing jabs until he loses his charge, cause usually blanka players get mad when they are being pelted by annoying fireballs. as soon as they twitch forward in any way it's super jump short time, try for cross up. using the short to strong links and then sticking out a standing fierce works fine. i can't do the shinku hadouken buffer thing yet, still practicing, any tips? i just keep crossing up, they may get me with the reverse charge roll thing, but them's the brakes i suppose. blanka is a tough fight for me. also, just a quick tip for ryu players. my game improved when i got comfortable leaving the controller in the neutral position, usually people automatically put the controller in the back down position as a default. when you are on the offense with ryu you can react much quicker with the controler in the neutral position. doesn't seem like a big thing (sounds kinda risky, but it's not really) but it has definately improved my game. so after you do your chain combo and it gets blocked instead of pressing back and down, keep it neutral and anticipate the jump or poke (you can even wiggle the stick for mind games, yeah for old school), as soon as you see their sprite twitch, block or dp. also, those who are at a medium skill level, such as i, learn chun-li. she has a different style of fighting. she uses lots of normals. i think that effective use of normals is what separates the top players. specials are just that, specials, used for special situations. rely more on your normals and your game will improve, with ANY character. that clayton tactice works even if you can't do the shinku hadoken at the end. i had been using this tactic with chun-li forever and never thought to use it for ryu, works great though. her links have the same timing as ryu. late Posted by jreinert13 on 12:24:2001 07:44 PM: that stuff you were saying about Ryu's -->+Feirce punch returning to play were he started from is wrong. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:25:2001 01:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by jreinert13 that stuff you were saying about Ryu's -->+Feirce punch returning to play were he started from is wrong. are you talkin about the foward fierce..the rushing one..cuz if you are no they are right. Were you do the move you end where you started it...perhaps its only in a corner....though im pretty sure its get pushed to the distance(from were you hit) you started from after the move....yeah so im right. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:25:2001 01:34 AM: Ok well because im a asshole and im on the giving mode i decided just to give you the beinfit of the dout and i just went to traing mode to est this out and still get put were you started it......granted a couple times when i hit twice with it i was like a tiny millimeter farther away...but other than that all the times i did it i got pushed exactly were i started it.....try to do it on the opponent in the cornor you will see what i mean..perhaps you can't tell with the screen moving when your doing it from like the middle of the screen....ok so yeah im right please try and test this out a bit more before you say something...or even just say i think your wrong about this...thanks.. says merry christmas and god bless. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 12:25:2001 03:47 AM: great thread ryu is the man could you go more in depth for n groove ryu. Posted by Vega on 12:25:2001 05:12 AM: Nice going Clayton. You've got alot of strategies for alot of characters. You are a very hard worker at stuff like this. I'm not here to try to offer any Ryu strategies. Since we've heard of the Clayton Tactic, I'm wondering when we are going to see the first official Clayton FAQ. James Chen's guide was 133 pages to print out. I think yours can be somewhere around 1133. Keep up the work. I'm behind on reading your character threads on these forums. Hehe. See you in Detroit this weekend! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:25:2001 02:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vega Nice going Clayton. You've got alot of strategies for alot of characters. You are a very hard worker at stuff like this. I'm not here to try to offer any Ryu strategies. Since we've heard of the Clayton Tactic, I'm wondering when we are going to see the first official Clayton FAQ. James Chen's guide was 133 pages to print out. I think yours can be somewhere around 1133. Keep up the work. I'm behind on reading your character threads on these forums. Hehe. See you in Detroit this weekend! Hey thanks a lot man. Yeah i should be in detriot hopefully i can stay this time and not have to forfiet a top spot like that again...shit happens i guess. I acctually have a lot of characters faqs ive been thinkin' about writing.....maybe like 5-10 more or something...i got to much time on my hands now that im not working that much. Anyway thanks and merry christmas and a happy hoildays to everyone. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:25:2001 03:46 PM: Namor8 Sorry i can't realy help you with the buffering of the far standing fierce into shinkuu hadoken....unfotantly there isn't a short cut(at least that i know of). Just do the standing fierce and quickly do the motion....talkin about control positions a thing i do sometimes after a fireball is to countinue to hold foward after the firebal that way right after the end anamation i can go right into the shoryuken by pressing down, down-foward. Though that doesn't work as well in this game do to the bigger lag after fireballs(well its bigger to say sf 2 at least)... EvilRyu10585 what exactly do you want??? LIke just a allround startagy or something??? Or is there some other problem???...well ok anyway all try to just work on another N-groove strat maybe later today when i wake up more.... WHEN THE OPPONENT IS GETTING UP How do you attack the opponent when they are getting up??? Well umless your opponet doesnt(or isn't confident)do reversals i wouldn't recomend standing over them and doing say rapid fire ducking lks.....also you must be carefull if you do this and were just to stop or something because throws have a lot of priorty in this game and a lot of times ive been throw while doing shit like that......Some things you could do is well cross up(though against the delay get up be carefull of doing this.). Or you could(if you have run) just run into the persons downed body and right when they get up shoryuken if they try to attack. This is acctually pretty good even if they reversal with another brother did this to me and evertime he kept running up to me so i would do a reversal shoryuken and we would trade or i would get beat almost everytime. Its just really hard to time reversals against this for what ever reason. Though of course if you think they are just gonna block when they get up dont do this..One thing ive been using lately is getting out into max range and then right when they get up stick out the standing fierce..this has been working really well since its not like they expect that they have to do a reversal or anything and then you just stick out that standing fierce at max range...also another thing like this is right when the opponent gets up at max range do a ducking mk into fireball. Posted by KingRaoh on 12:25:2001 07:24 PM: i didn't know that rolling was an option for a wake up move. i guess i really never thought about it. i am old school so i don't use roll too often. anyway, i was playing at the arcade the other of the tactics i use when the opponent is waking up is throw a fireball so that he will eat tick damage. this guy was rolling on wake-up then throwing me. i couldn't make him eat tick damage. determined to see if it was a fluke or not i continued to try this. he was able to roll out of it everytime and not take tick damage. is rolling a legitimate wake-up move. maybe it will work when someone is trying a meaty attack on wake-up. something else, when you are going for guard block damage, i know that the opponent can roll out of blocked normal to fireball string. EX: you mid kick buffered into fireball. opponent rolls after mid kick and counters. can they roll through the blocked fierce XX shinku-hadouken? just wondering, i play mostly mid level competition and don't get much practice against people with extensive knowledge of play mechanics. hell, even if i did i would probably just get discouraged. happy holidays. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:25:2001 07:30 PM: no if you time it right they can not roll between the standing fierce to the shinkuu hadoken..thats another reason that makes the "clayton tactic" so good. Now you can roll if your in N-groove and you break a stock and counter roll other wise they can't roll out of the fierce unless you do the fierce at maximum range.....but then again the fierce has got a lot of range so hopefully this wont can try in traing mode..just set the cpu to do a standing fierce into the shinkuu hadoken you will see unless its at max range you can not roll out of it... about the rolling yeah rolls can now be used as a reversal thats why that was happning to you...If you do a ducking mk, into a fireball when your really close they cant roll though...its like i said ealier about teh ducking lp,lp,mk, into fireball dont use that because they can roll between since it doesnt combo... ok hope that helps. Posted by yes4me on 12:25:2001 07:36 PM: Arggg... overload of information. How about regular combos? Which one is the most damaging one without using a super move? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:25:2001 11:30 PM: umm...hmmm...ryu combos huh?...well im not to much on combos(maybe KOF combos to a extent).....well the most damage a ryu combo with out a super i guess would be jumping fierce,standing fierce,into hurricane kick(shoryuken hurts more but will miss because of the decreased range).....thats all i can think of i may be wrong but thats all i can think of. If its on a counter hit a cross up mk, standing mk, shoryuken is probably the most powerful... EvilRyu10585 Hmmm...N-groove starts well i would hope that the things i provided ealier would basicly help you on this....hmm...i suppose i can try a liitle... OK well depending were ryu is power bar wise(if i have a super or not) at the start of my match i may do something different.(now granted your first move at least mine is always different its just like instinct i really dont even know what im gonna do ussaly until its like "ready" and all be like...hmm...ok...its just a real fast process so anyway this is basicly at the beging say.) Now if i don't have a super all probably play a bit more definsive at the begging charging up the super a bit trying to bait the opponent in a little bit.(not nesicasrly jumping trying to get them to come foward.) If they jump well i fierce shoryuken them...If they get hate probably a good half the time im gonna try and cross them if i cross them up im gonna go into a poking combonation and end with the fierce lets say about hmm....7 or so out of 10 times.(fireball is just risky to do. and all say the other couple times is when i try and cancle into something and go for a throw say.) After this ive pushed them out and my super is gradualy increasing maybe say this time they dont jump in but are learking foward so maybe all run up there and stop and do ducking lks,or a ducking mp and go into a poking combonation.......If im like all the way across the screeen and i see them jump you could run and then in the middle of the run cancle into a shoryuken....To get closer to the enemy i would use perhaps the hop kick or maybe(maybe) use the rushing fierce if i think they will could use the low jump but besides a few situtions and few characters or moves i see coming(like cannon drill) i dont like the low jump very much....When you have super(countinuing from were I was speaking earlier or at the beging of the match i as said.) You can play more offensivly say going for some cross ups and ending in the standing fierce to shinkuu hadoken to annoy them...a simple cross up into a couple pokes(or a after pokes then hop kick poke fierce shinkuu hadoken) then go into the "Clayton tactic" really does a number on the gaurd damage probably around now you have that little bit going for you could play a bit definsive now and bait them as they ussaly half to start attacking as they dont want to block anymore....or after the little gaurd damage cross up a few more time and keep a steady decline of the meter while remember to every once in awhile go into a bit more definsive try to keep your enemby about half screen away then go back in countinue to work on the gaurd meter when nessacsary....if you ever come to a point when you have 4 stocks(supers whatever) then i would break one basicly just for the hell of it(sounds stupid but its what i ussaly do) so now your attacks are gonna do a little more damage(though ryu isnt exactly poking machine so this is why i rarely break stocks.) also now you can try for the shin most of the time the opponent gets a bit more defensive so the shin shoryuken as a anti air probably wont be avilable....what i do is i slowly make my way in with a few pokes and i low jump then dont do anything land do a ducking mk into shin you probably havn't been low jumping at all and well there proably very aware of to block high so you basicly use this as a suprise factor...really effective since this doesn't realy happen a lot. well i dunno anyway i hope that helps...really though just try and use the the earlier tactics i said and fit them into your gameplan somehow....i most likely dont play the same game as you so i can't realy tell you how to play....only try and give you some new tactics and then you try and do something with them. Posted by Vega on 12:26:2001 01:34 AM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN .....well the most damage a ryu combo with out a super i guess would be jumping fierce,standing fierce,into hurricane kick(shoryuken hurts more but will miss because of the decreased range)..... Cross-up forward, then your standing fierce two-in-one into dragon punch. According to the practice mode on the import DC version this doesn't have to be a counter hit or anything. Without using cross-ups, I think the combo you mentioned would be the best. I thought using a crouching fierce would be better but it seems that standing fierce does just as much damage in the combo. Of course, if you are going to be using cross-ups then you can also incorporate stuff that Clayton has already mentioned like "The Mike" since that is a timeless tactic that is soooooo useful. But we were talking combos so this isn't on topic. Posted by noswad on 12:26:2001 04:57 AM: Try crossing up with j.fierce.. you have to be precise, but it seems MUCH easier than before. Especially on fatties like Blanka. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:27:2001 02:03 AM: Well thanks to noswads advice i guess ryus most powerfull regualr combo would be a cross up fierce, standing fierce, shoryuken......though i must say i dont like the timing on the cross up especialy if it was durining a real i must likely will not use this.....another thing it would seem that it only works against the fatter charcters i tried against a couple regular guys like terry size and well it wasn't happning...granted i only went to practice mode for like 5 min so maybe i shoulda gave it a bit more time.....well anyway thanks for the info. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 12:27:2001 03:57 AM: that wasthe advice i was looking for exactly i havent been able to try these tactics yet but they sound good i think your clayton tactic could be effective for n groove your tactics sound solid i think this what ive been looking for to make ryu good thank you Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 12:27:2001 04:11 AM: the stuff you posted was what i was looking for I havent been able to play someone yet but i think my ryu will be much improved thank you for your time and help Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:27:2001 04:37 AM: Youre welcome. thank you also Posted by popoblo on 12:28:2001 08:52 PM: i'm having trouble doing the clayton tactic. am i just doing it wrong? i do a standing fierce >> shinkuhadouken right? thanks. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:28:2001 09:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by popoblo i'm having trouble doing the clayton tactic. am i just doing it wrong? i do a standing fierce >> shinkuhadouken right? thanks. Yep do the far standing fierce cancle into the shinkuu hadoken...just do it fast you should get the hang of it with practice. Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 12:28:2001 10:43 PM: ryus rushing fierce has a lot of priority it can be out a lot of things such as blankas ducking fierce Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:29:2001 02:57 AM: OK here is something little and that I just noticed. Maybe you knew but anyway..... The blue fireball comes out faster than the red...... yep...just noticed that today.....ok thats all. Posted by jreinert13 on 12:29:2001 05:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN Ok well because im a asshole and im on the giving mode i decided just to give you the beinfit of the dout and i just went to traing mode to est this out and still get put were you started it......granted a couple times when i hit twice with it i was like a tiny millimeter farther away...but other than that all the times i did it i got pushed exactly were i started it.....try to do it on the opponent in the cornor you will see what i mean..perhaps you can't tell with the screen moving when your doing it from like the middle of the screen....ok so yeah im right please try and test this out a bit more before you say something...or even just say i think your wrong about this...thanks.. says merry christmas and god bless. Sorry I didn't know it was specifically one hit(was that even specified?). If you don't hit you end up closer, if you get 2 hits you get pushed back, if in the corner. If youre not in the corner and you get 2 hits, you get pushed forward. Like I said from what I heard it was wrong, I didn't remember seeing one hit, by bad if I missed it. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:30:2001 05:56 PM: Dont worry about i suppose we were both wrong....though even when you hit with 2 hits you only get pushed back slightly father away...anyway my mad to. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:06:2002 03:59 AM: OK i have a better combo with ryu thats more damaging. cross up mk, ducking mp,mp, roundhouse hurricane kick. Im also trying to think of some new patterns..i have a couple ideas but all try em' out first and see how they work. "i dunno whats going on but FS says i should say i am not bother me again. I must countinue to train." Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 01:08:2002 03:25 AM: Final showdown are you going to the new york tournament at the end of january i want to see how good your ryu is Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:08:2002 03:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by EvilRyu10585 Final showdown are you going to the new york tournament at the end of january i want to see how good your ryu is lol...I wouldnt mind going....but no there is about a 99.99999999% chance that i will not be there sorry...I dont go to many tournaments really.Even if i could im not allowed to drive for about at least half a year. Shit happens i guess. I liked to go though. Maybe we could have a ryu vs ryu match one day? Also im not sure if this is a big tournament or what but last big tournament i went to in chicago i got screwd over and that didnt exactly make the biggest impression on me...i payed my money and they fucking screwd me over and kept saying well "we called your name and you didnt come so you got disqualified." That fucking pissed me off cuz first thing i went all the way to chicago and then when i got there i ended up getting real sick( i ended up going to the hospital after the tourny acctualy) pissed me off so bad cuz i was sitting on the daytona machine for like the whole time cuz i couldnt stand so i woulda heard the guy if he called my name....dumb bastard!!...they musta been scared to let me play cuz i was beating ari and all the other guys they had before the tourny so they decided to fuck me over. well anyway no im not going...i'd like you to see my ryu maybe one day. Anyway if your going to the tourny good luck. Posted by SSJ Char on 01:08:2002 06:41 AM: holy crap. that first page is the longest first page ive ever read. Great Work! gonna go try some of those right now! Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 01:09:2002 06:23 PM: final showdown kind off topic but do you have kyo strats mabye a thread Posted by Galactica Phantom on 01:09:2002 07:57 PM: I'll bite. Nice work Showdown. But you seem to be gettin' kind of carried away with the practice mode dude. I live in Norcali, and I've seen a lot of mad ryu shit from Choi, and I've seen some daigo matches. I've also played choi with my Ryu, Sagat, Blanka, and Bison dude. Here's what I've gotten from Choi, and what I've come up with. Ryu play's a different game against everyone(like you stated but shit, who's gonna read all that dude), however, he can beat any opponent as demonstrated by Choi and Daigo, but he can also be beaten by anybody(also demonstrated by Choi and Daigo). So what do ya do??? Well, you learn to play it patiently. Not all fancy with hop kicks and over heads all the time like you were a frickin' balarina dude. All those tricks can easilly be killed by random supers and standing light punches by the 5 or 6 most popular characters(IMO Bison Blanka Sagat Vega Ryu Guile), who (oddly enough) have some of the best supers and best jab punches. You really gotta know when to apply them and not make them a crucial part of your game like a fireball would be Here is the best retaliation free, advantage giving, trap that Ryu has.,,,, walk back, wait/ rush punch, shampoo(shampoo=wash rinse reapeat, get it). I'll tell ya though, the most used tricks with Ryu are, the one i stated, ducking strong then hopkick,(on a hopping groove, oh yeah, N Ryu with the hop opens up mega possibilitys, use that hop), crsup fk, d.lp, d.fp, fireball, hop with a late roundhouse kick. Save your hopkick trikcs for later dude, you're gonna need them to get close to your opponent, because as you may have noticed, it's really hard to get close to a top-tier opponent in this game with ryu. Just play it safe, dash back and forth, throw the occasional light fireball followed up by the dash forward, then maybe a hopkick or another dash back. As your poking game gets better, you'll begin to understand why so many world and usa champions have used Ryu. It's so simple yet so effective. Posted by Galactica Phantom on 01:09:2002 08:06 PM: heh heh, everyone talks like they got tha best kim and shit and like they're so good at KOF n shit. Dude the only people at B5 who were any good at KOF were me Snorlaxx and Justin Wong. Plus I have played the best Kim player in the world. So if you want KOF comp, Talk to me, I'll give ya tha hook up. Shiet, my Kim's the best in the mid-west. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:09:2002 10:42 PM: OK looks like i have alot of stuff to answer first off..... Evilryu10585.. no i dont have a strat thread for kyo...i guess i could make one if i was bored.....but i dunno i was gonna do some other characters first probably. Galactica phantom not sure if your posts are dissing me or what im confused??...first of all practice mode???..i play against comp if thats what your trying to get at at use these tactics against humans. Also i dont remember saying to do all the hop kicks at random and such, also i gave many EXAMPLES of how to do certain patters..and again also i said bait the opponent so they will come to you to start your offensive was one of the ways i stated. And iagain im sorry if it seemed like i was just blanetly saying use hop kicks and such im just trying to give examples. Also for your retalition free little tactic how is going from a ducking mk then doing a rushin fierce retalition free?????....i think i could most likey hit you from the ducking mk to the rushing fierce>...but see thats cool cuz i dont care cuz like i said i was just giving examples i wasnt trying to say use this same exact thing over and over again..cuz you have to switch it up...thank you for this little thing though all be sure and try to switch things up with it now and then. Also again when your saying like save your hop kick tricks for later to get close or something along the lines of that, i like to bait my opponent to come close to me a lot of the time before i start my offensive...of course you know every now and then maybe all be offensive or something from the im sorry but that really pissed me offed when your talking like practice mode and you know me dude??...anyway because of that comment now if im ever in cali were gonna have to have some match or something cuz that pizzed me off..though acctualy first tournament i ever went to i'd had only played in practice mode and against 2 other people and i ended up getting second in even if i did only play in practice mode that doesnt mean you cant be good as long as you understand the game. Anyway sorry if it seemed i was saying to do the same thing over and over again but then again you said you didnt even read the whole thing so whatever.... OK now that the first reply is over with now for the second one... Ummmm..the whole best kim in the mid west donesnt need to be taken so sierously.....just like i can still win with hayato in MVC2 but that doesnt exactly mean hes the best in the game ya for KOF well i cant say anything about my skills except for 98 and 99..But ive yet to meet the person that can beat me in those sure someone could beat i like think im pretty good at them. So i guess if im ever in cali all have to have some KOF matchs also...and can you be the best in the mid west when your in cali anyway?? ..i guess all take that as a joke.... OK anyway sorry if i sounded mean here cuz i dont mean to be..Thanks for your opinoin on the whole matter but no 2 people can play the same.....also why dont you try and switch up with my tactics everyonce in awhile I assure you they do work..maybe you just dont know how..perhaps i cant explain on paper wrong?....if thats so im sorry....all be sure to try that pattern next time im able to play. Anyway thanks and later guys. Posted by coco savage on 01:10:2002 12:41 AM: na dude, you got my shit wrong(formerly G phantom). after the duckin forward you do nothin' dude. you back up and wait for the opportunity to hit that rush punch dude. It's a big ass range game now dude. After the rush punch you're at perfect range to do big damage. Aight, range game is pretty much all ya gotta say now. Fireballs are gettin' worse and worse as pokes. Here's what I'll finally say in a nut shell, stay in a mid-screen range game if you wanna do any big-damage at all. I think most would agree with that dude. But look showdown this rush punch thing ain't mine. It's either chois or like daigos man. So don't run your mouth about it to much, 'cause it might come back and bite you!!! Come to cali and we'll go at it in KOF, I can play any version. Bring it on Smackdown dude! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:10:2002 01:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by coco savage na dude, you got my shit wrong(formerly G phantom). after the duckin forward you do nothin' dude. you back up and wait for the opportunity to hit that rush punch dude. It's a big ass range game now dude. After the rush punch you're at perfect range to do big damage. Aight, range game is pretty much all ya gotta say now. Fireballs are gettin' worse and worse as pokes. Here's what I'll finally say in a nut shell, stay in a mid-screen range game if you wanna do any big-damage at all. I think most would agree with that dude. But look showdown this rush punch thing ain't mine. It's either chois or like daigos man. So don't run your mouth about it to much, 'cause it might come back and bite you!!! Come to cali and we'll go at it in KOF, I can play any version. Bring it on Smackdown dude! Naa dude i wasnt dissing the tactic or nothing...i just thought you were saying like the foward kick to rushing punch was like unpunshible and like retalition free and what not..and i was like what the fuck??..thats the part i didnt exactly understand....I thought you ment to wait for a opritunity cuz that was self explanitory i mean you just dont throw out moves to get hit. I just wasnt exactly sure about it...anyway thanks for clearing this up....also i agree that a lot of the damage ryu can do is at mid-screen and if you read all what i said you will acttualy see that i posted stuff to get your oppoenent at mid screen and keep them there and other such things. As a matter a fact i even have a coner trap for such a tactic if you read it all......but yeah anyway i talked about the whole mid-screen thing..Also well choi and daigo better watch out for the "CLAYTON TACTIC" again thanks for clearing this up....and yes if i ever made it out to cali KOF is a must....though im sorta used to playing on my DC stick as of late so you'll have to give me a few matchs to warm up on the neo if thats what we would play on. OK later Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:12:2002 04:08 PM: Well i tried out the one choi and daigo use that coco savage worked really well...of course i switched it up every now and then but it worked nicely. Also against sagat i used the rushing fierce from like half screen maybe one thrid maybe..and just poked with that a lot and that worked really good..i was pretty suprised how well it worked add that to those sagat strats. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:01:2002 08:56 PM: "bump this thread." Posted by pH M on 02:17:2002 11:16 PM: What options do you have after the rushing fierce? What options do you have after the rushing fierce hits? Have you seen the japanese finals match 3 where N-Ryu runs riot all over the other team. He does a lot of running low strong and they get blocked, when i try this i get smacked in the face after one or two pokes. But it looks like a really good tactic(for him not me:-)). Any other analysis of that vid? How does Roll cancelling benefit Ryu? gives him invincible jab dragons, invincible hurricane start up that goes through anything at pointblank range and fireballs with invincible startup animation. Do these benefits of using RC outweigh any other characters using RC? thanks FS Posted by pH M on 02:20:2002 01:36 AM: Fierce to fireball the standing fierce is the threat that the players fear when using run poking with low strong isn't it? I wish I could cancel my close fierce into super fb everytime, just have to practice. bump Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:20:2002 07:07 AM: yeah ive seen the vids.....i think you mean the runing jab just gotta be fast thats all. You could do it with runing strong i guess.Though if its the strong personaly i think you should only start it with the strong then do the rushing lps after it. But also realize that they did say like runing jab, runing jab, runing jab, runing jab, sweep, they sorta pushed the character out. I dont care to much for the tactic personaly. Not saying its bad or nothing. Just its like i dunno like i wish it was cooler?? Anyalis of the vid...hmm well if you watch one of the vids at the begining he doesn a late fireball and gets hit..i would guess he tried to RC it. and well messed up. It was alot of fast high priorty moves in the matchs basicly....abusing the game system is how i like to put it....some moves are just so fast and high priorty.( i guess i dont real mind to much when i think about it sometimes...though i would trade it to be able to do a fireball/dragon punch again.) It was lots of rush down....more rush down...and ahhh.......some more. Sticking out lots of good pokes really. Long pokes to(aniamtion wise) such as ryus standing you see the oponent literaly stood up(or walked into maybe i should say) into them a few times....long frames....i think i posted before you can use the standing fierce to knock out of rolls(also happend in the vids..also when you do this you could always then cancle into a shinkuu hadoken...or alot of time since the fierce is so long they will land right into it and then since there close you could go into a shin shoryuken.....) and to do as a early attack when the oppoent is getting up....lots of times they think its over and its not....forces the wake up to be perfect...risky but all right everynow and then. As for RC...well i think its dumb....stupid for befits...dont waste your time to RC a shoryuken youve posted before you know that a shoryuken can beat anything if timed right, and if its jab for ground and fierce for you really dont need to waste time for that. As for fireballs well if i was real good at it then there is no reason not to RC it at the right distances....nothing that bad but it would give you that little extra protection in case. Hurricane kicks, i could imagine something along the lines of LK version land throw ect. Also as you stated you could use it as a point blank range counter...but then again you already to have shoryuken. I just dont really care for the whole thing honestly. What are your thoughts on it?....i think other charaters benifit from it more so than ryu. Options after the rushing fierce..... well its real different in this game.... ST well its was very fast and you could combo big time after it...long LONG poking strings...also a fun element that they gave him....then again the super fireball had less delay so you could do a rushing fierce even after they blocked it and then go into poking strings/push out patterns..very fun to use and good.... in 3 strike you could combo a shin shoryuken after it.....a shoryuken after it(easier on a ducking oponent) and a ducking fierce on a ducking oponent only.(thats cuz ive only been able to get it on a ducking oponent.) IN cvs2....its slower but it seems to have farily good cannon drills(not that the cannon drill is that good...its good but when you think and mess around with it a lot of stuff beats it.) can beat naks slide....also just beats other peoples pokes...good priorty....also as i said earlier you basicly end up were you started so its real safe when use right....say if you do it from farther away like you were just working your way in and wanna poke or something..poke with the rushing fierce then super jump back and shoot a fireball(try and annoy them).....if your a bit closer do it, then maybe like a hop kick after it, standing fierce ect....if your like right next to them you do a shoryuken after it or even a shin shoryuken.( it wont combo and its kinda risky but maybe they wanna attack you or something along the lines of that.) You can try maybe a ducking foward after it into fireball....maybe after it if your at a all right range try and cross up with it.... many different things...remember your pretty much safe after just do what you feel the oppoent will fall for. Standing fierce should be feard...just a good can acctualy back away a little firece...say if they sorta edge towards you fierce...walk away they try and do a moving foward type poke at you(geese roundhouse) stuffs like everything. If your poking with it since they are so afriad of it you can like throw with it....say youve been doing alot of ducking lk,lp standing fierce while in close....well next time do a ducking lk,lp, standing lp(they are blocking low now) then throw them...the standing lp misses and you throw..... Its cool if ya cant cancle it will get better with practice...besides you dont need to cancle it....also doesnt always matter if they block it or not. Cuz when they block it add a little chipp damage and a little extra guard damage...also it allows you great positioning half screen everytime just about... "*yawn*....i shall stop typing now." Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:24:2002 04:54 PM: " hey ryu hows it going? ......."DAYUM!! ryu you sure are getting strong." "zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz.......*akuma is knoced da fuck out." "....yeah thats another perfect....well im gonna go walk through the world on my bear feet......and well all practice some more also..goood bye my freind." " now thats what i call REAL ULTIMATE POWER!!!!!!!!!!" BUMP. Hey sorry for not getting to the post earlier man....i didnt even relize that the thread had a new reply...i was proably at work or something and i missed it." Posted by pH M on 02:25:2002 10:04 PM: Ryu! Thank you for your excellent information, users asking for Ryu Information should always be directed to this thread :-). Anyway, im gettting the rushing jabs down and the rest is following nicely. Maybe a benefit for RC Jab Dragons AA is that you get cross up attempt after unlike after fierce Dragon. Any more information is useful :-) Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:25:2002 10:33 PM: lol....thanks. As for cross ups i wrote some stuff earlier in the thread about how to stop them if you like walk foward when they are about to cross you up then that puts you on the other side faster so its not like when how sometimes say you do the dp but it comes out from a different way than you pushed you just walk foward basicly and then do the shoryuken the other way and it should work....also you can do the rushing fierce and you often slide underneath them and you can throw them alot of the times.....but of those take some anticapation of the cross up attempt but if you expext you should be able to get it.....also ducking fierce works well....since the shoryuken moves slightely foward often times you can trade or get hit from behind in a sence.(stupid IMO....shoryuken should still be totaly invincable but thats a whole other story so i wont go into it.) Since you dont move forward with the ducking fierce this works well when say like you gotta have your anti air right when you need it if that makes any sence.....since its only down+hp it doesnt require much thought process and should just be works well when the oponent is right over top of you......Try using that and see how it works... I personaly still wouldnt use rc dragon requires to much thought(at least for me) and doing a dragon punch should just be like "bam" or something....thinking about to roll and the dragon punch would confuse me.....Alot of times people with fast jumps or low jumping stuff like that even a regualr shoryuken can be a bit to slow(not that its to slow just that in your mind alot of times you dont react as quick as you should.) So thats why the standing roundhouse is a good anti air for such things as low jumps and other things..its just a button press so if you were caught off guard and dont have time to do the shoryuken you can just hit standing roundhouse. and for the most part you should be with the ducking fierce like i said earlier if there right above you just hit down and hp if you didnt react quick happens ya know....sometimes you just dont expect things so have one button anti airs is good. So thats my thought on that whole thing if you have the time i would just use the shoryuken....and if its a quicker type thing use the standing roundhouse or ducking fierce for the cross ups...i just think that if you have enough time to do a RC shoryuken i dunno i just think it would require to much thought process when other things should work just as well. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:25:2002 10:49 PM: Oh yeah....when you do that runing LP one nice little thing to do is say you did runing lp runing lp then runing lp(ya know do it a few times) then do a standing lp(this will miss) then throw....this will keep your oponent on his toes....this works very well beacuse since they are really forced to block low in a sence beacuse since you ussaly ethier end that with a say ducking mk or ducking hk into fireball...also alot of times you can just end with the standing fierce since of course that hits low in such....basicly they want to block you then do the standing lp they were still blocking low then you throw...nice cheap throw. Posted by Sharktongue on 02:27:2002 08:50 PM: bump more Ryu info Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:28:2002 01:11 PM: hmmmm.....ummmm.........hmmm..........ahhhh..... i dunno right you have any info you would like to share? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:01:2002 05:25 PM: sigh okies..... heres another little thing i dont think i mentioned..... OK say its a close match or what ever and someone knocks you down and there like rock or like joe and they try to kill you with the raging storm or the double cyclone when you get up.(block damage ya know....doesnt have to be rock or joe just trying to give examples of supers and such). well when you reversal when you get up with the shoryuken even though there on the ground do the fierce shoryuken.....dont no why but you do the fierce even though there on the ground. Strangely if you do a jab shoryuken when you wake up to joes double cyclone you both get it.....then you fly super fast to one side and land and like hit real fast.....sorta wierd looking....but anyway as i was saying if someone is trying to be a bastard and get a block damage win do the fierce shoryuken against these moves and you'll beat it...... its cool to cuz its just like....(you think to your self..there wasting super for nothing........baka..).....anyway remeber nothing will beat the shoryuken when timed right and you use the right version. Also i had my brother do that standing fierce right when you get up(i talked about this a little earlier in the thread i belive. YOu time the fierce just a little before there getting up and since it has such a long hit frame it hits even when you do it early and you can stand a fair distance away...and it makes the wake up reversal have to be PERFECT.) and man....that is quite a bit more annoying than i relized....i ussaly do it to him and he complains i was like ok do it to me...its gotta time the reversal did on. I was like man.....that is pretty me go to practice mode and me and my brother practiced reversals again..... ok thats all for now Posted by pH M on 03:01:2002 05:30 PM: The timing for the fierce to beat level 3 supers is harsh, you have to learn to be dead on(or really lucky). Sometimes i wonder if it does, but when i test it,it is still invincible just takes more skill to use. Thanks again FS Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:01:2002 05:37 PM: well in normal situations only use the fierce shoryuken to beat the air supers..though again the level 3s are still tricky......but for a wake up against something like a ragin storm or such do a feirce against those even though there on the ground.....on ground supers the jab shoryuken beat everything pretty easily IMO....i mean you can do your jab shoryuken before say rock does his shine knuckle or kim does his hou ou kyaku and you still beat it.(not like alot earlier but still before they do theres.) Though have a freind time early standing fierces against you...thats annoying. I need to practice my reversals so more....anything less than 100% is unforgivable!!! "thats the spirt. now i must go again." Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:01:2002 07:28 PM: i use ryu god in cvs2 rushdown all the way i got some combinations with him in n groove but if u want to know pm me or something i dont like to talk about ryu public heh no offense but let me give u a combination of mine rushdown: down lp down lk sweep hadoken low jump hk down mp down mk hadoken Posted by Dash Panther on 03:02:2002 06:22 PM: That Clayton tactic works great - like beyond great. Doing three Clayton's is more damaging than saving up for one level 3 super, and it's a hell of an ego killer and guard crusher for the opponent. I was having trouble at first getting it to come out, but I found that I have more success pressing and holding fierce (instead of tapping fierce) while executing the level 1 super fireball. There's a pretty small window to execute the level 1 super fireball during the startup of the standing fierce. + is pressing the button - is releasing the button jp = jap punch = light punch fp = fierce punch = hard punch Clayton (standing fierce punch to level 1 super fireball): standing +fp, qcf, qcf+jp, -jp, -fp I'm having some trouble against Rock, my bro's flavor of the week, but I guess that just points to holes in my Ryu game. I throw a fireball, he jump kicks me. I crouching short kick him, his longer sweep catches me during my sweep. I jump in, he anti-airs me. I've been all C-groove, and N-groove is becoming more and more intesting. When should I throw fireballs? Which fireball do I use at which range? What are these fireball traps that trap my Ryu instead of trapping my opponent? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:03:2002 07:52 PM: heh...its funny stil to hear that being called the clayton. Well thanks man..... First of all what groove does your freind play??? Okies well your fireballs should be pretty much safe when used from 3/4 of the shouldnt worry to much from that distance unless they stard doing the jumping mk which has a lot of range. If rock is zoning you with like repukens(i dunno if i spelled that right)well at the right distance he can make it so when ever you jump he can use the standing roundhouse to beat like anything you have.....if this is the case you can try to get in with some hop kicks(just watch the speed to make sure you dont get hit when you land.) Crossing up rock works really well besides the fact that rock can step slightly foward to mess up cross ups quite a bit easier than most chracters and then throw you when you land.(really annoying when im kim but thats a differnt story.) Once you cross him up though you should be ducking lps then standing lps when hes used to blocking low then throw....standing fierce is of course good after any poking combonations...i would only use the hop kick against the fireballs he uses as he can ducking under it pretty easily.....(in cvs1 if the oponent could duck and you could still throw them pretty easily or do a shoryuken if they were gonna attack but in cvs2 if the hop kick misses it seem sryu is ussaly the one that gets messed up.) Rocks sweep IMO is arguable the best in the game....if you could cancle it i would say it probably is.....he can literaly use it as a reversal at times which is pretty ridiclous how much prioirty it mean say you do something like ducking lk,lp sweep fireball, if the lp into sweep isnt dead on he can sweep you...its like ahhhhhh erghhh.......also thats another reason to be carefull when using hop kick cuz the sweep can knock you out of it in the beging...also at the beging of the hurricane he can also knock you out of it...alot of times though if you can get a pokeing combonation of say a ducking lk,lp, mk then do a lk hurricane kick then land and do a level 1 super hurricane ive seen rock fall for this alot cuz well the sweep is abused when i play as him or i see others play as him...the sweep is also about instant...which is good and bad...this can work to your advantage in a sence that you can use the little invincablity that you have in your super hurricane kick level 1 to beat this...or even the level 1 super fireball will beat this....the very beging of the super have jsut a slight invincablity...i wouldnt go into a match planing on doing this say but just to let ya know.....rock is very thrower freindly IMO....i end up throwing rock alot...since rock is always like blocking low(its a good block there is no reason he shouldnt really.) The rock player is thinking of well ethier the move is gonna miss me or all end up blocking it in the worst with ryus hop kick and some of his others moves....this is good beacuse since the only move you will hit rock with when he is blocking really is the standing fierce hes only thinking that when you pressure with ducking lk,lp standing fierce ect....the ducking lk,lp, standing lp into throw works really well....since the lp will miss......again if you can get rock in some cross up patters this is only for the better as he is used to blocking low you can go for a little more gaurd crush when you land do a ducking lk,lp then cross him up again then do the standing lp and throw....i ussaly play full screen distance against rock or right up in his face, beacuse as you know rock can just jump pretty easly and mess up your fireballs and such. Ussaly when im done pressureing rock for awhile and i wanna lay off all end with a rushing fierce then all super jump straight back and start doing fireballs and try to zone him as best i not sure exactly of any patterns the rock you are playing is doing like the little rock type gaurd crush trap(ducking lk,lp,mk lp hard edge.) But say if he was doing that since you can time things pretty easily at times with rock to make them pretty unpunsible doing a throw after this is often good when mixed up with trying something a ducking mk fireball after it or after the ducking mk do a lk hurricane kick and right when you land do a level 1 super hurricane kick......always throw with punchs....hmm.......trying to think what else....dashing then doing a mk into fireball is a allright pressure tactic....fireballs should be used at 3/4 or higher distance again or if he is throwing fireballs you can combat with yours if your a bit closer....standing fierce is always good.....when you use it right when rock wakes ups the only the thing (besides supers) that will beat it should be the hp rising tackle and even then it will only hit once so no big deal really....if you can get rock in the corner its really good..cuz you can just pressure a ton...honestly have the time i end up letting them out of the corner a little just so i can cross up...realy as long as your crossing up jumping should be ok against rock. hmmmm....well im getting bored of typing so all stop there....any other info of what the rock is doing maybe i can help ya some more. Sorry if this doesnt help. Posted by The Dark Evil on 03:04:2002 12:27 AM: Hey FINAL SHOWDOWN,can i use some of your Ryu stuff for a FAQ i'm making for'll credit you for it.Please?This is my first FAQ i'm going to make. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:04:2002 12:29 AM: okies i guess so.... Posted by The Dark Evil on 03:04:2002 12:35 AM: Yes,i tricked the foo!Whoops,did i say that out loud? J/K.Thanks,FAQ writing is pretty hard without help. Posted by SSJ Char on 03:04:2002 03:12 AM: hey final showdown, how many characters do you specialize(specialize as in know them pretty well) in? I think you should make tutorial vids. just showing some tactics. Ive been waiting for someone to do this, but none has(not including the ones at CW). I just need to see some Ryu tactics and some poking methods. Reading stuff really doesnt stick with me. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:04:2002 04:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by SSJ Char hey final showdown, how many characters do you specialize(specialize as in know them pretty well) in? I think you should make tutorial vids. just showing some tactics. Ive been waiting for someone to do this, but none has(not including the ones at CW). I just need to see some Ryu tactics and some poking methods. Reading stuff really doesnt stick with me. making a vid about tactics and stuff would be tight....but i wouldnt really know how to do something like that....ive never seen a video like that before..ive heard people talk about some rolento stratagys videos but ive never seen not sure how something like that would turn out though...i mean some tactics might not look as good by them selves in the sence that well when you play someone your like tricking them into doing stuff alot so if i just did some things it might look wierd....i dunno i think someone would have to help me or not even sure if i explain well on paper half the time. I guess i could probably think of some things to do but i dunno about a whole video. hmmm....well i play as alot of guys..... ryu kim iori chang terry benimaru maki kyosuke ken akuma kyo ryo rock dan hibiki blanka sagat joe geese mai rolento rugal and well im sure there are a few others here and there......i have a fair understanding of alot for videos on guys well i dunno. Again i wouldnt really no anything about this so i dunno. =/ ummmm...ryu,kim,iori?? dunno... I have alot of other strats ive wanted to make but im just to lazy......i tried making a beni one awhile back but i was getting bored when i was writeing it so i just sorta stoped like a little way threw. Well i dunno but anyway all take that as a complament so thanks. Posted by Dash Panther on 03:06:2002 06:41 PM: Thanks a bunch for the Rock tips, Final Showdown. I'll try them out. My younger brother whoops me in general, but he doesn't mess me up so much with his supers - he's usually just punishing my mistakes or predicting how I'm going to attack him. Now he considers Rock his favorite (previously, he liked Geese the most). He plays in N-Groove so he can save up for three stocks, power-up, do a level 3 Deadly Rave, then do a level Raging Storm. Everyone should do themselves a favor and hold off on turning 25 as long as you can. Once I turned 25, I have the hardest time learning new characters and even old favorites aren't so good anymore. *sigh* Looks like it's time to grow up. Anyway, Final Showdown, if you like Geese and Hibiki, I suggest you learn Eagle (my younger bro is learning Eagle and he likes him a lot, but not as much as Rock yet). Eagle has special moves that are counters also, and his range, speed, stamina and damage are really good. The only problem is that Eagle is a tough character to learn, but once you learn him he's great. Also, if you know half the characters in the game, you should try P-Groove, since you know what anyone is going to throw at you. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:06:2002 08:06 PM: Heh dont i tell ya my brother is(at least if he wants to be) is gonna be awsome one day.....most things i know ive taught him.....unfotatnly he has less patince than i do so he cant really stick with things as well as i we both dont really care for cvs2 but i still play it to keep competitive yet i like gotta force him to play so i can have some practice. oh well..... About the p groove thing well i dislike p groove. I just dont like parrying i dont really care to much for sf3 sieres i just played it cuz well its sf not beacuse i have a lot fun with it. Also parry was the nail in the coffin so to speak on the fireball/dp trap so that makes me automaticly hate it. I just dont have like the "will" to get good at parrying etheir....its sorta fun at times but then when i think about it im like "man this is fucking retarded i hate this." i dunno just not my style i guess...... as for eagle well i dont like eagle to much. Ive played him a few times nothing that i had fun with though. He has some counter type things but i cant stand how capcom made auto gaurd i play to much kof to except it. It almost sounded like you turned so happy birthday.......dont worry though its the way life cant play video games forever one day all realize this as well. Alot of times since i work more of course my brother finds out stuff about the games and then i go and work with it and devolp little tactics with it....if your to busy to learn new things or something like that have your brother try out some things for ya maybe he will find something cool out and then you can try and run with it or something.(like that was a long sentence.) Also games arnt the same anymore so its natural for some characters to perhaps not be as good or play differnt. Anyway.....i hope those rock things work for ya...i know i play as rock in c groove my brother k and my freind plays of course even though thats might not be drasticly different from n(well parring and stuff i know but....) are play styles me be different from your brothers..but nothenles i hope they work for ya..... okies later. Posted by zeiram on 03:09:2002 08:28 PM: goryuken beats shoryuken. nuff said. Zeiram out. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:09:2002 09:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by zeiram goryuken beats shoryuken. nuff said. Zeiram out. *SHAKES HEAD* Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:10:2002 07:38 PM: Well i was pretty bored so ive been fooling around with some stuff...... i was messing around with the level 2 shinkuu tastimaki senpuukyaku and acctualy(at least ive never noticed this before) you can cancle it with a air huricane kick and make it so it doesnt hit the oponent(you'll like land and they will still be stuned.) then combo your oponent from there. Its some tricky timing and im not sure of it acctualy. But maybe i could think of some cool combos with it or something like that... also i was doing the shin shoryuken against rolls and it almost seems sometimes that you can knock the person out of the roll sooner than you should be able to....i mean all stick out the standing fierce to knock them out of the roll, and then all do the shin shoryuken and it almost seems as i hit them sooner than i should be able to..try its kinda wierd....its like its hits a bit early....ive tried this a few times but i went to training mode and just did it for quite awhile and it really does seem like you hit them earlier than you should be able to..... OK thats all. Posted by Dash Panther on 03:11:2002 02:32 AM: Actually, I'll be turning 26 next month. I don't think I can outgrow gaming. I mostly play Half-life Counter-strike in a competitive clan, and one of our players recently turned 51. We also have a three father-son pairs. Your strategies against Rock worked out really well. My brother's Rock still beats me, but matches are a lot tighter now, both while I'm using Ryu and while I'm using other characters against Rock (and Geese). Limiting throwing fireballs to long range or up-close has limited Rock's damage a lot. In between that range, taking a more reactive approach to Rock's moves works well, and I'm not opening myself up after fireballs anymore. If I see Rock doing his cross-up special (Rock runs and ends up behind me), a rushing fierce lets me end up far away enough from him. I've started using level 1 supers when I think he's going to sweep, and it punishes him to the point that he won't abuse his sweep anymore when I have a level 1. I cross him up a lot more, but I still get hit with his Rising Tackle or his Counter sometimes. I forgot about trying the crossing up to standing jab to throw, and letting Rock out of the corner a bit so I can cross him up. I'll let you know how those work out. Thanks a bunch for the tips. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:13:2002 09:53 PM: OK well ive messed around with that combo more and basicly here are my thought on it..... OK have you guys ever seen those one vids were the chun li will do something like say a level 2 kick super(i have no idea what its called.) Then she will countinue on to another combo?...ok think of that when you think of what im telling you sorta. OK now first of all as many of you know the super hurricane kick is sorta random if you know what i sometiems it doesnt hit all the times its supposed to hit ect....OK anyway it would appear that everynow and then you can cancle the level 2 super hurricane kick with a air hurricane kick and you will land and be able to countinue a combo on the oponent. Now unfortantly this has been pretty frustrating to practice as you know the super hurricane kick doesnt hit the same way all the time. And even im not sure how its supposed to hit, i just sorta pray that i land from the super hurricane kick. Anyway more stuff now if you do this on big characters you get pushed far away when you land so it makes it more diffcult to combo after though the timing to combo is fairly reasonable just that your sorta far away....something along the lines of a ducking lp,mk(then go into what ever) should work. Now against smaller characters(or those of regualr hieght ect..) dont get pushed away at all when this happens and you are extremly close to the character....Unfortantly how ever the timing is such that lets say something like that fucked up sakura stuff were you do a standing lp after her hurricane kick....the timing is tight....something like a ducking lp, standing fierce could be used here...... OK basicly ive been messing around with shit like cross up mk,standing fierce, level 2 super hurricane kick, air hurricane kick(cancled from the super....and pray that you land right.) then like accroding to the character height combo them again..... Of course as said earlier this is very frustrating with this like random shit and all. Also i think i got a dizzy thing from this but i keep forgeting to check the stun in traing mode cuz im dum... But anyway i hope you sorta get a "feel" of what im saying here....all try and get some of this stuff on tape or something along with some other stuff for you guys(or my kim peeps if there reading this at all)..... OK here a little tactic that i have no fucking idea how to explain..i use this alot, well maybe not alot but its something that i use..... how am i gonna do this...... Its very simple but i dont think it sounds simple and sounds dumb sorta or something. Ok say you are like vs someone(heh ok) and like your pressuring them with what ever...say like a block fireball combo...or ya know like the standing fierce into shinkuu hadoken(though thats almost a bad example of a tactic to use before it, as well....As well your almost to safe after it....heh i told ya this make no sence.). Anyway after this do a air hurricane real fast on your opponent.(theres the one way to do this like d,db,b,uf +K....unforatantly i suck at this so basicly im like down up foward then do a hurricane kick real fast.) This is used when you think the opponent may become frustrted by blocking your shit like.....And you think well they are just gonna jump..doesnt matter if they are trying to space them selves away jump up for mind games try to jump in on you(see this is why i almost think the standing fierce into shinkuu hadoken might be bad beacuse well your really safe ya know?) and you just do your air hurricane kick real fast and knock them back to the ground. So your almost baiting them in a sence to jump and stuff....and you just do the air hurricane kick real fast.....and do the and ..sigh...... Hmm i hope that made a little sence....just use your instinct......Its been around awhile honestly you could do stuff like this in the old SF just that the air hurricane kick was a bit slower(or perhaps had lower prioirty?) so this tactic is a bit better IMO in this game. As well the air hurricane kick just spins real fast or some shit i dunno....i know i find this more effective in this game thats why im saying it.....not thats in not effective in the other game i mean you can cross up with the dang hurricane kick pretty easly back then..... Ok im rambling..if this made no sence then scarth what i just said. and forget you ever heard it...... OK later. Posted by GalzPanic on 03:14:2002 07:36 AM: Yahaha I found this thread..any FShow you're tips are super funnie to read and really insightful too, so I guess I'm gonna share. Anyway what I would like to talk about today is S-Ryu...FS we talked briefly about S-Ryu on IRC...remember?? Basically a nice trick is poke poke poke, then dodge Punch. Good to mix things up..I watched all of those jpn Ryu vids and they were really interesting. The running low jab x 4 seemed really powerful (btw I tried it on God Rugal and even he blocked it!! wtf, he's supposed to DP stuff like that) so I tooled around with it...I agree with a previous post that low jabs into low roundhouse xx fireball isn't really great...All i see it as is a way to mix things up. However, I guess you should mix things up anyway because if you did low jab the whole match, that would just be stupid. Basically there's hella stuff you can do after the low jab. Note the indentations. -Another running jab -standing jab --throw --low short ---running low jab -immediate low short --walk up throw -running low strong --hurricane kick (very can only do this if they are fearing you -dodge (s-groove only) --dodge punch --dodge kick ---fireball (careful) ---hurricane kick (very careful ---nothing (you are cool) --do nothing (wow) -charge in their face (s-groove only wow wow wow) --keep charging (you are the man, they fear u) --dodge (alright) --running low jab ---back to top! So basically you mix stuff up. Even though the sweep fireball starts things over, you should probably still do it once in a while.. S-groove Anyway S-groove is starting to get funner and funner. If you can condition and intimidate your opponent, you can find really odd times to charge...break your pattern, dash back and might catch them napping for a few's so funny. Charging in their face isn't easy, so I only do it for a split second to mess with their heads. My Ryu isn't up to par yet, so try out this shat or whatever else and get back to the thread yo. Edit: ok I hope u all understand the hyphens....I'm not sophisticate enuff to do the 1a 2b stuff like FS LOL....peece Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:15:2002 03:35 AM: Heh.....hey man dont worry about all that "1a 2 to the b to the 3c ect.." I think people will have a genral idea of what your saying....also i dunno acctualy im pretty disapointed even with my ryu ones in this thread i dunno i guess when i made the kim thread the patterns were all like flowing really well or something....thanks though. Anyway HUGE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK that got your attention..ok its not huge i guess cuz well maybe you already new it..but its a good tactic IMO....ok so here it is.... SHINKUU TATSIMAKI SENPUU KYAKU OK now i was fooling around sorta with this move.....and ok ya know how it hits differnt alot of times...This is bad ya know beacuse this is a big reason that keeps this move from being semi abusable..because honestly half the time you have no fucking clue which side your gonna land ya know? But anyway so i was playing S groove and such against my brother(gotta love my brother....hes a great guy...he decided he would play with me for a whole half hour today. ...thanks zack. =/) and well i was doing a ducking lk,lp,mk lk hurricane kick(this misses) you land and you do the super hurricane kick level 1...Now heres the deal though!!! ALWAYS end up behind the oponent(or perhaps that is to say the oponent always ends up behind you.). You can do like a cross up before this what ever then do the would seem with this chain you automaticly are at the correct range to make them go behind you. So this is good beacuse ya know were you are going to land so you can shoryuken right after it when they try there like rapid little moves from the block stun recovery or if say they are a charge character and go for there easy anti air......This would make the super hurricane kick pretty abusable IMO..especialy in S groove......You already have the Clayton tactic( fierce into shinkuu hadoken)..and now any cross up you land you could try and do this......OK so its not super bad ass tactic supreme or nothing....but i think its pretty good ya know???.....Also since the hurricane kick super at level 1 has a frame of invincablitly(you can go through say sweep type attacks right when you land.) and the regualr hurricane kick has got good recovery i could see this being fairly abusable....And of course just do a shoryuken in the oposite way once you come out of it..... i went to training mode and tried against a good amount of characters(big,small ect...) and it should work for every one. Also a cross up then this tactic then go into a shoryuken,and if they block that it does a good 60 or 65% gaurd..... OK.....hopefully all get to try some more stuff another day......if not then well all bump the thread with some basic gaurd breaks for everyone. ok later Posted by Dash Panther on 03:15:2002 04:57 PM: For the lk hurricane to level 1 super hurricane, is this what you're saying?... (Ryu starts on left side of opponent, opponent is blocking) cr. lk (blocked), cr. lp (blocked), (blocked), lk hurricane (missed) (Ryu lands on right side of opponent) level 1 super hurricane (blocked/counterhit) (opponent gets caught in level 1 super hurricane and gets tossed around on the ground so that Ryu is back to left side of opponent) dragonpunch (hit) Also, for your previous post regarding hurricane kicks that you had a hard time explaining... Do you mean rush them down, and if they jump (to avoid getting guardcrushed for example), then you should go air-to-air with them using the hurricane kick? I can see using it if they jump away (since the hurricane kick will chase them) but if they jump up or jump toward, wouldn't a dragon punch work better? Also, if they jump and attack, will the hurricane trade or will you get hit or will they get hit usually? I like that stuff about the level 2 super hurricane canceling into a lucky-timed air hurricane then continuing juggling when you land against medium and small characters. I'll try that out. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:15:2002 05:42 PM: Hmm ok lets see if i can explain a bit better.... OK with the super hurricane kick ya know how it hits level 1=6 2=10 3=14 But!! doesnt always hit like that. Sometimes you get pushed all around or what ever and you miss like alot of the hits...When they are blocking or getting hit it doesnt matter. Like say do you ever try and do the super hurricaen kick as to like chipp a little damage but you land on a differnt side or something so this can be frustarting since you dont always no which way you are....what this does is give you the exact way which you will fall so you know were to land,which way to block or if you expect them to attack which way to dp right when you land...... ducking lk,lp,mk(this pushed them a little ways a way) lk hurricane kick(now your pretty close to the oponent.) level 1 super hurricane kick. The opponent if they get hit by this goes to the other side which you were once on then you can do the shoryuken the other way....This is good beacuse many times say your vs like guile or something and he does a flash kick right after the super hurricane kick and well you didnt no which way you were gonna land so you got hit...also many times you try to maybe block some way but you end up blocking the wrong way....This way you know which way you land so you can do the shoryuken on the side you want to.....Now you can do like a cross up before this what long as you time it right they get "sucked" in a sence to the other side...... This maybe fairly abusable to S groove with un limited supers and all......all fool around with it once i get the chance some more..... Hopefully i explained a bit better this time.... As for the air hurricane kick thing...I mean you jump realy fast like and do the AIR hurricane kick. Like lets say you like were running with ryu and you did a ducking mk into fireball....well after this if you anticapate any kind of jump do a air hurricane kick very fast on them.....The air hurricane kick ussaly beats there attacks....It has a good deal of say the shoryuken right once you leave the ground you dont have that much priorty so this hurts when you anticapte jumps (like say in old sf when you had the fb/dp trap going...say you anticapated the jump well you did a early dp cuz well its gonna beat them.) This can almost be like that sorta.....The thing is when you do this half the time they are just getting to the "top" of there jump.....The air hurricane kick can be timied very just do say a down,down-back,back,back-up +k....Your "tiger kneeing" the hurricane you get the air hurricane kick right when you leave the ground...This takes alot of anticapation though.....Think what you would do...thats how i come up with all my tactics...."what would give you trouble?.."how would you beat this" "why is this effective"....ive been playing SF scince a kid so at times my guessing game is dead on a lot of when im kim or iori when you guess right many times you can like win whole matchs just with there roll when you guess right and stuff.....Here your guess that they treid to break out of your pressure....and again it doesnt matter if they jumped back or foward what ever....It does have good priorty though.... again its diffacult to explain i think so sorry about that.... Hopefully ive been a bit more clear this time around..... OK later. EDIT:fuck i right confusing...ok remember when i was saying tiger knee the hurricane kick thats just a example dont go backwords of course!! You go foward with the air hurricane kick...just trying to give you examples of the speed you can get. Posted by Dash Panther on 03:15:2002 06:02 PM: I think I perfectly understand you. Those Kim and Iori threads are really good also, by the way, and although I haven't been posting on those threads, I've been using those two a lot. Keep up the good work. My only suggestion would be to break up the text more - use more paragraphs - to make it easier to read. Fifteen lines of text is tough. What character are you going to break down next? I'll start playing him/her. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:15:2002 06:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dash Panther I think I perfectly understand you. Those Kim and Iori threads are really good also, by the way, and although I haven't been posting on those threads, I've been using those two a lot. Keep up the good work. My only suggestion would be to break up the text more - use more paragraphs - to make it easier to read. Fifteen lines of text is tough. What character are you going to break down next? I'll start playing him/her. yes you can at least for people that have been reading me from the begining i have been like doing lots more like spacing and stuff as of late.....i try to help you guys out a little bit. I dunno of course even then my paragraphs are a bit like wierd maybe not right sorta...all try to countinue writeing in burts than go down and bit right some more ect. lol...thanks man.....compliments are always nice....i dunno i play as a lot of just depends on if i can like "get it out" if that makes sence....its pretty borining to start a thread....i mean i try to right these and just a "sitting" like i dont like to write something than write it later also....i wanna get it down and get a good least start for me since barly any people share!!!... its cool though.... " i dont need anyhelp" "i can help!!!....umm.....hmm...well..." "dem bitchs." "akuma.....what in the same fuck is that supposed to mean?" "ummm....dem bitchs.....?.." "im sorounded by 2 are no help at make no sence at all.....i now see why i choose to be leaving now.....goodbye...." "ryu watch out!!!!!...remember you have no shoes!!..some young hooligan has thorwn a broken glass bottle on to the road and you are about to step on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *smash* "oh man that probably why doesnt he were shoes for petes sake..steping on glass....*shakes head*" "yeah well ryus hard like that." . . . . . . . . you can see you also must be very bored to write stuff........Oh well i dunno, i guess there are others i may do one day i dunno.... thanks though..... later Posted by Devil Lee on 03:18:2002 12:21 AM: i'm familiar with the basic parts of ryu's arsenal. but how does ryu get in close to people that can zone him out? ryu has a tough time gettin in close. i stick to low jumping hp or low jumping rh. but what does ryu do? also, where is ryu's best range from the opponent? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:18:2002 05:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Devil Lee i'm familiar with the basic parts of ryu's arsenal. but how does ryu get in close to people that can zone him out? ryu has a tough time gettin in close. i stick to low jumping hp or low jumping rh. but what does ryu do? also, where is ryu's best range from the opponent? Hmm...ok lets answer the first part geting close. Since you said that you have low jumping already that most likely means you have runing i assume....unless you are in P groove that is.....but i will assume the earlier. With running you can run after slow fireballs if you are from a good distance say nearly full screen....Chase after your fireball.....Then if they try to jump away(or jump in on you i guess it would be.) you can easly go into a ducking fierce or if your closer(though if your this close most likely you will be able to start a chain or a poking combonation for here.) you can do the standing roundhouse...or you could just go into the shoryuken from the run also. If you have dashing then subsitute the dashing with the running....of course you cant cancle your dash really so this will require you to sorta like know your distance and judge accordingly. If there zoning you with fireballs you can match there fireballs....maybe trying a hop kick everyonce in a while...i dont recomend doing super fireballs to beat there fireballs as its just to slow now adays. And when you are this close in a fireball war you could always roll then combo(since if you guess to do the super fireball that obviously means you knew they would fireball so rolling is a better option in this case.) If its a ground fireball then i would recomned the hop can be tricky beacuse of slow fireballs but alot of times the hurricane kick can be a bit tricky to use as well to go over the firebals. Not that he has delay just that i think the hop kick for the most part is better.....especaly say iori if he has you in the fireball/dp/madiem masher trap.....its sorta risky doing a hurricane kick since he can hcb+k you if you do hurricane kick over the fireballs. Of course other things are just try to guess when they will fireballs then jump..... If they are poking you try to just work in with dashing running low jumps like you said.......You can use the hop kick from time to time(fierce after hop kick is pretty good.) or you could try the rushing fierce.....the rushing fierce can be risky at times cuz of the start up, but you get pushed to were ever you started which adds to mind games. Or you could turtle with ryu if you want. As for what space he should be played at...i think ryu can play pretty much what he wants....He can play offensive rush down type stuff standing fierce patterns....duucking jab type things.....when combined with his standing jap(to miss oponents when they crouch) cheaps, cross ups ect ryu can play very offensively...... From mid range well standing fierce has a good amount of priorty.....standing fierce to shinkuu hadoken pushes you about half screen everytime so that just means your in between you know you will be at this can wait for a jump so you can shoryuken, you can super jump for a cross up you can get right back in there with hop kick, dash ect.... If your far away you can sorta try fireballs bait them to jump shoryuken....of course it isnt sf2 type stuff but you can try it.....If your this far away you can try and just like turle ya know......i would say its hardest for ryu to play like a full screen type game. You can go back to this easliy though like say there slowly making there way in then you hit them down perhaps, then you could jump right away......A good way to set up playing full screen is from the rushing fierce then super jump backwords, land then most likely fireball..... Play with however your comfertable playing. Posted by GalzPanic on 03:18:2002 08:41 PM: Hey about the Super HK, if you do land behind them, why not do another super HK? It would be just as good as a DP...the only question is which side will you land on...I will try this later. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:18:2002 09:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by GalzPanic Hey about the Super HK, if you do land behind them, why not do another super HK? It would be just as good as a DP...the only question is which side will you land on...I will try this later. You will land (they will land depending on how you want to say it) behind them again.....also it doesnt matter if you use a level 3 ethier or what ever level you wanna use they will always land behind for why i say shoryuken after.....well the level 1 super hurricane does have invnicablity the very first frame but if the do a invincable move of there own then you will trade or get beat most likely.......Though if you had the super and you felt like it then you could do it again....And of course if your in S groove this could be semi abusable if you did the level 1s over and over again...I dunno all stick with the shoryuken for now though.... Also i did get a bit of practice with this...It worked very well.....They never blocked the shoryuken after the super hurricane kick they always got hit....Most likey they were jamming on ducking lk,lp ect....something like that or they didnt no they would always land behind me......It never got blocked.....Then again it was the first day i got a good amount of play with it to practice with so perhaps this helped to....Also the fact that it does have that little invincablity really helps out beacuse i remember landing from the hurricane kick then they try to poke and it just cleary sucks up some fairly high prioirty moves....I sucked up some rising takcles as well.(not the best anti air move but still just a example of the start of of the super hurricane kick.....) Remember to time the super hurricane kick right when you land from the regualr hurricane kick though...cuz if you walk to slightly back when do it or what ever the super will hit differntly so be carefull and make sure you time it correctly. OK now for those little basic gaurd break stuff i was talking about earlier....Now its not something that is gonna happen to often as its only against C groove but all have it in the thread just in case it happens....its nice to know ya know?(har har so funny.) OK basicly it works like this you attack the person in the air they air block you land and hit them...thus relsuting in the gaurd break.....well capcom was nice enough that ryu has his jumping strong in this game....this is your main gaurd break machine for ryu as since it hits twice it lets you hit the ground before them....of course it would be cool if ryus jumping strong had better prioirty and juggle ablity like older games.....but im a complanier so all stop there and get into it....Also for most of these as long as your timing is correct it shouldnt amtter if your in the corner or not.... Jumping strong, land shin shoryuken...... jumping strong, land roundhouse hurricane kick(this does mad gaurd damage and has the chance to gaurd break....AT least 50% gaurd each time) jumping strong, normal move(like standing roundhouse ect...) jumping strong, super fireball In corner jumping strong, standing fierce, super hurricane kick(cancle the standing fierce fast) jumping strong, level 1 super fireball, super hurricane kick...... varitoions of the last one could be like.. super fireball,level 2 super hurricane kick, cancle to air hurricane kick early so you miss(miss as in land early) , land then shoryuken. super fireball level 2, shoryuken, super hurricane kick level 1. Jumping strong, super hurricane kick. OK i think you get the picture.....also other things you can do is like jump say lp into air hurricane kick then land then do your stuff.....of course this is a bit harder to time but it still works.... OK thats all later... Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:22:2002 01:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN OK i have a better combo with ryu thats more damaging. cross up mk, ducking mp,mp, roundhouse hurricane kick. Im also trying to think of some new patterns..i have a couple ideas but all try em' out first and see how they work. This doesn't connect final showdown? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:22:2002 02:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by SacTown_Boi This doesn't connect final showdown? OK its cross up mk, ducking mp, ducking mp, then roundhouse hurricane have to do roundhouse hurricane kick beacuse it comes out faster. Or well i know it hits in combos that a lk say hurricane kick wont connect in..... all go check again just to be sure though..but im pretty sure this works....i mean i did it before and all....but ok yeah all go check again...and all be back in a bit. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:22:2002 04:17 AM: Yep i just checked it still works.... Perhaps it was confusing how i said ducking mp,then mp....did you think i ment ducking mp standing mp??..If so in the combos i write if you have to change positons all say it so like if you did a ducking lp, then i might say standing fierce or something like that.....So all let you guys know what postiton and all... but yeah the combo works, just takes a bit of timing thats all. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:22:2002 04:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN OK its cross up mk, ducking mp, ducking mp, then roundhouse hurricane have to do roundhouse hurricane kick beacuse it comes out faster. Or well i know it hits in combos that a lk say hurricane kick wont connect in..... all go check again just to be sure though..but im pretty sure this works....i mean i did it before and all....but ok yeah all go check again...and all be back in a bit. Heh. You kind of confuse me by saying mp, isn't mp stands for medium punch? If it is lp(light punch), then the combo will definately work. Yea. U kind of confuse me right there. For sure, I don't really think two punch) can connect. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:22:2002 04:28 AM: nope it works....2 ducking medium punchs. or for old schoolers 2 ducking strongs. it works just gotta have the timing. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:22:2002 04:29 AM: *kewl* Thanz Clayton. Posted by aks216 on 03:22:2002 06:00 AM: i'll post in this thread, it seems intresting. as far as crossup,,, rh hurricane. i wouldn't recommend doing this combo in gameplay against somebody with safe fall and if they were ducking during the combo, the hurricane will wiff. they can safe fall before ryu lands from his rh hurricane. it's best to use medium hurricane kick for combos. combos worth learning for ryu in actual gameplay are.... x2-3, super fireball x2-3, middle hurricane, c.lp,, super fireball, c.lp,, middle hurricane variation of those combos also work well. and then you got your jab rushes. smalljump combos are pretty useful. use smalljump hard kick as a poke sometimes. it's a good long range overhead poke. mix in smalljump hp in your rushes sometimes. smalljump hp into dp or any super is good, preferrably shin-sho or super fireball. smalljump, do nothing, then do one of the combos above. which is pretty descent if they were expecting you to attack during smalljump. c-groove ryu is pretty good too. i don't know much about him in c-groove though. Posted by cheese_master on 03:22:2002 01:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by aks216, c.lp,, middle hurricane um that combo doesn't work on all chars... just pointing it out. Umm other useful combos CH cr MP (it is a counter hit very often), st FP, super FB (lvl2+). And BTW... your post comparing Ryu and Ken... was a little off. Ken has alot more going for him than you put up. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:22:2002 02:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by aks216 i'll post in this thread, it seems intresting. as far as crossup,,, rh hurricane. i wouldn't recommend doing this combo in gameplay against somebody with safe fall and if they were ducking during the combo, the hurricane will wiff. they can safe fall before ryu lands from his rh hurricane. it's best to use medium hurricane kick for combos. combos worth learning for ryu in actual gameplay are.... x2-3, super fireball x2-3, middle hurricane, c.lp,, super fireball, c.lp,, middle hurricane variation of those combos also work well. and then you got your jab rushes. smalljump combos are pretty useful. use smalljump hard kick as a poke sometimes. it's a good long range overhead poke. mix in smalljump hp in your rushes sometimes. smalljump hp into dp or any super is good, preferrably shin-sho or super fireball. smalljump, do nothing, then do one of the combos above. which is pretty descent if they were expecting you to attack during smalljump. c-groove ryu is pretty good too. i don't know much about him in c-groove though. Your are probably right about the safe fall thing, but, c.lp,, mk hurricane doesn't connect. btw, whats the point of doing 2-3x, if you can just do, c.lp,, fb special?(more damage) Or is it to get fast rollers easiely? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:22:2002 03:29 PM: final showdown: sup man yes i got ryu combos of my own in c groove heh too easy but ryu in k groove and in p groove is one dangerous son of a bitch p.s: when r u going to connect to aim??/ Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:22:2002 05:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by SacTown_Boi *kewl* Thanz Clayton. no prob.... cheese master... you put like level 2 after the ducking strong standing fierce shinkuu hadoken..i belive it would work with a level 1 as well....i guess i would have to check. TrueNewbiePR.... sorry try to get on more.......i was working yesterday so didnt really come on.....i got home around 6 or something and was like to lazy to put on my aim....i ended up just going to take a nap....then i went on around like 12 or something...i dun remember.....all try to get on more though. Posted by aks216 on 03:22:2002 07:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by cheese_master um that combo doesn't work on all chars... just pointing it out. Umm other useful combos CH cr MP (it is a counter hit very often), st FP, super FB (lvl2+). And BTW... your post comparing Ryu and Ken... was a little off. Ken has alot more going for him than you put up. it should combo. if you do, c.lp too slow, it won't combo. you should do it fast, that way, you don't get pushed too far. and if they were ducking when you initiated the combo, hurricane will go right over them. yeah, ken does have some stuff going for him. but my main point was ryu is still better. if you disagree, then explain. Posted by aks216 on 03:22:2002 07:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by SacTown_Boi Your are probably right about the safe fall thing, but, c.lp,, mk hurricane doesn't connect. btw, whats the point of doing 2-3x, if you can just do, c.lp,, fb special?(more damage) Or is it to get fast rollers easiely? 2-3x is easier and distancing isn't much of a problem. for fast rollers, use into super. it seems like you can buffer a super from pretty late so if you're playing against a fast roller, right when you see opponent roll, and it should get him and then super when ti connects. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:22:2002 09:08 PM: Ducking strong as a counter hit or late attack to standing fierce to level 1 shinku hadoken does work...i thought so but just wanted to check to make sure.... also as ive said earlier in the thread man my little patterns for ryu i did (at least the very first ones) are sorta i mean even after i made the iori ones those seem kinda wierd to....i need to like review how i made the kim one again cuz i wrote those pretty well.....i know what the patterns are but im like not getting them out coherent(i spelled that wrong im guessing) like.... all try to write them a bit better and all post them again. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:23:2002 05:06 PM: Final Showdown- You have done a great job with Ryu, but do you have any strats and tactics for Ken and Akuma? I want to master the shotos.hehehe. Thanz.Peace.SacTown_Boi. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:23:2002 05:14 PM: hmmmm i guess so.......I wouldnt say im very good as akuma though.....i dunno im eating right now though...but once im done with that all try and post a few things for them as well.... nothing to much mind ya but all try and help you out a bit. Posted by aks216 on 03:23:2002 06:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by SacTown_Boi Final Showdown- You have done a great job with Ryu, but do you have any strats and tactics for Ken and Akuma? I want to master the shotos.hehehe. Thanz.Peace.SacTown_Boi. since fs is eating or whatever, i'll post some stuff i know. you have to remember, playing a running groove and a dashing groove is different. anyways, i'll post what i know about run-groove ken and akuma. ken: ok, to me, there are two running grooves, k-groove and n-groove. both contain smalljump and run which is good. fuck s-groove. anyways, remember to poke with smalljump hk. when you do this from a distance, it becomes a great poke. after the smalljmp hk, you can mix it up with a couple things, his overhead move, back dp+k move, or run lp rush or block. ken's up close is really good. right before your opponent gets up, bust that move out and continue pressure off that. in the middle of your lp rushes, bust in a smalljump hp. why hp? the distancing and hitbox is better when up close. if it connects, then super or dp, if it doesn't, block, or continue pressure. and f+hk are his pokes. but ummm, i wouldn't use those two moves very often. there's more but i have no time. akuma: air fireball backwards is fairly safe. don't abuse it but you can use it as a retreat. is a solid anti air. raging demon as anti air is descent. can someone confirm that if opponent jumps in with nothing that he can escape raging demon. i know if you attack in the air, raging demon is guaranteed. raging demon as a wake-up is pretty good too. if they are ducking when flash starts, then raging demon is guaranteed, can't jump out. that's it. i'm sure fs can post more. i have no time. sorry. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:23:2002 07:20 PM: okies.....lets akuma out of the way first... AKUMA.... OK now for me first of all, akuma is like slow.....i dunno when i play the other shotos(ken ,ryu) akuma sorta just seems like the slow one of the group. Things that both him and ken have over ryu though is that there standing lk is good....Obviously it hits low(low as in crouching opponents) and you can canle it....Basic type patterns i use are like ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk then cancle into your move of choice. Like a lp roll after words then maybe throw when you get out, dp if you think they will attack, or maybe even go right back to poking......also another thing you can do out of the patter above is do his dp+k were he jumps and you have some options out of at least the mk version however as the lk version can miss with the throws that most likely would come from this pattern....also remember that the punch throw you can combo after it. Teleport is a auto matic cross up in corner....So you can use this to your advantage if you think you can fool the opponent. As in say the opponent is in the corner well you could teleport behing them then shoryuken or you could throw, or you could go into another pattern or what ever. Akuma has dive kick you can use that as a jump in attack ect and some other stuff.....His standing fierce can be use as a pretty good poke....when i use the fierce like that its ussaly in something like say a ducking lk,lp, standing fierce..something along the lines of that. Also as most people know you can cancle his top down attack with the ragin demon to try and fake out your opponents. THAT FIREBALL CROSS UP lol....nice title ne??...yeah i thought i would post this as since alot of the times you hear akuma its like....that air cross up fireball shit and stuff.....So ok basicly what this is, is like well you knock the opponent down then you do the air fireball with the tiger knee motion(down,down-foward,foward, foward-up +lp...i use lp i guess you could use something esle but this is how i do it.) thus resulting in a cross up...Now the main way i set this up is after i hit a lp shoryuken.....I know the distance just gets set up very nicly from here so thats what i do.....What ever say i anti air with a lp shoryuken or combo after a hurricane kick with it ect....anyway after you hit with the lp shoryuken wait for the opponent to bounce and almost hit the floor.....ok like this when a character falls they hit the floor then bounce then hit the floor and get back up....So after the shoryuken when they hit the floor then they bounce up then do the motion sorta.(like when they bounce like see them bounce then do it, you dont wanna take to long as in like they are already have been on the floor or anything, but you dont wanna do it to early....Like there in the air from the bounce and almost about to hit but there still like in the bounce.....heh....sorry im just trying to explain it wanna time it so if they were to do a say shoryuken on wake up it would have to be a reversal shoryuken. Like they should almost hit the floor..sigh ok i hope i explained that ok)...This should always be the exact time you can cross up and should of course after this you land and you could do another shoryuken then do the fireball cross up could land then if you have super say like ducking lkX3 then qcfX2 +p..or if they block it you could do a poking pattern or do a standing lp(this misses since they block low often..i dunno i know its a lot easier to block this cross up low at least IMO so this happens often enough. or if there standing do a ducking lk to make them block low then do the standing lp) then throw. OK now ways to get out of this would be like say of course say they had that roll get up....well you dont need to worry about that(as in like you werent expecting it) as since the air fireball cross up come later when they fall anyway you should be able to see this if they have tactical recovery now this is gonna be a bit harder beacuse you can wait till like they hit the floor sorta but you dont wanna wait till there like laying on the floor just like when there about to hit the floor.(sigh ok im gonna try and stop as im not making alot of sence ) Anyway if they do this try and use your judgement i suppose and hopefully everything will work out ok....Remember after any lp shoryuken this is pretty easy to set up....doesnt matter whatever you hit with it with..after a level 2 super cancle dun mattter.....Of course though its not 100% so dont be stupid. OK some patterns.... i already talked about it of course but all right them down for example type purposes.... after a ducking lk,lp,lk, standing lk 1. lp roll 1a. shoryuken 1b. do another type pattern out of it 1c. throw 1d. dp+mk 1da. toward +k for the throw 1db. Toward +p for the throw 1dba. shoryuken 1dbaa. now after this you could go for the air fireball cross up what ever you feel comfertable with. 2. hadoken(just thought i would put that in there =/) 3. teleport(now you could be teleporting away, or even if your in a corner say with this(or they were in a corner i should say) you just cross them now you have say like the mind game of throwing them shoryuken them ect...) 4. tatsimaki senpuu kyaku lk(ok now ive treid doing the pattern really fast and all but still lk shouldnt matter though as you might be able to get a throw in say when you land.) OK now i said lp roll at the top now i guess you could do hp and like cross them up.....but ahhh...its so slow i dunno if i would do that to much.... Pattern 2... ducking lk then 1.ducking lp, than standing fierce 2. standing lp(missies) than throw yep short and sweet... ok hmmm lemme think....other things the dp+k then toward +p or k will throw an opponent out of the air if timed can cancle akumas mp in the air most uselfull for the hurricane kick as if you go to cancle into the air fireball the fireball has to much delay before it comes out so not to usefull... hmmm thats all i can think of for now....ok all go do the ken one... later. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:23:2002 08:55 PM: OKAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BUUUUSSSTTTAAAA....... ahem.... anyway ok let me try and do some ken now...... KEN... Ken is good thats all i gotta say... ...ok i got more.... man im lazy... Anyway like akuma ken has a good standing lk...So one of his main patterns is the ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk ect.....Though IMO kens feel "faster" if that makes any sence....heck ken seems faster than akuma all together honestly. Though ken has a BIG delay before he does fireballs which sucks....its not big but man for someone that loves old SF errgghh.....his fireball has a delay before....its not horrible but its noticable before it comes. Of course his hurricane kick can be risky (the roundhouse version that is) when up has like a delay after it so be carefull with it. My main combo so there for i guess bread a butter combo is.... Cross up mk, ducking lk,lp,lk, standing lk, hcf+lk... Ok now if you press the chain to slow(as in you dail the combo 2 slow) the hcf+lk will miss....not to much of a bigge though as just hold in the lk from the kick and you will go into the top down attack which of course is a top down attack and has more range. So if you miss dont worry to much... Of course now that were on the subject...i feel the hcf+lk is the best version of his speacial kicks as it hits ducking opponents so well it hits ducking opponents!!..use this version....also another good thing about ken he "wiffs" moves pretty effectivly if you understand what im saying. As in for example the hcf+lk wiffs has good recovery so when used with the proper judgement you can wiff this move to gain super to bait the opponent into attack ect...also its good for like K and P groove not to hit with mind you in many times when you wiff this move or some others(which i will get into later) often you can use it like when the opponent jumps.(ok now what im saying probably doesnt make much sence so if you dont get it, then just disregard it.) Lke alot of times you do the hcf+lk then the opponent had like jumped and you do the fierce shoryuken......i dunno messes with there head well it has good recovery so they think they can hit you..not just against P or K groove of course but it helps with the mind games and like air advantage that P and K have over you. Other nice moves that i like to wiff are the foward +roundhouse.....its also another pretty good poke IMO..its fast and has good range(but good lord...that move looks shity in this i mean it looked much better in alpha 3 if i do say so my self.) and helps you to attack while gaing ground in a sence....its not as powerfull as hit regualr roundhouse though...but anyway yes alot of time you can do the the toward +roundhosue like close to the opponent but do it so it misses..than do a fierce shoryuken after it...the opponent most likely was goning to block it but then it misses so they go to hit, but it has good recovery so there comes the shoryuken and you blast them. One tactic i use this in a lot is like... ducking lk,lp, mp standing roundhouse, then toward +roundhouse(this will miss)... now alot of times they may try to poke you and you can shoryuken that...also when this combonation hits from like fairly far in the standing roundhouse hits with the edge of the hit box the opponent will see the toward +roundhouse coming so they might jump and go for a attack but again good recovery saves you and you do the shoryuken.... Of course ken has a roll so you can use this in your patterns as well. IMO kens ducking foward also seems faster than ryus for some reason i guess it could just be me but anyway....Backword DP +k is a top down attack......hmmm what else...of course if you can catch your opponent sleeping sorta you can try shoryukens after the hurricane kicks or backword dp +K..of course in sleeping though i mean in the sence that there like "duhhh..ummm...ok..umm.....yeah...ok gonna hit them now...." like they were a bit slow and there poke you saw coming perhaps..... PATTERNS start with ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk.. 1. lk hurricane kick(if your fast enough this does combo.) 1a. if they ducking you could go for a throw) 2. backwords dp+lk 3. hadoken(just to put there in case..remember though it has a delay before it...and if they have a delayed blocking super your gonna eat a super after they block it most likely.) 4. hcf+lk (again i strongly recomand this version.) 5. lp roll 5a. throw 5b. shoryuken 5c. go back into another pattern PATTERN 2.... starting with ducking lk 1. standing lp(missis) than throw 2. ducking lp 2a. standing fierce into super 2b. ducking mk(or mp what have you) 2ba. standing roundhouse or toward roundhouse(poking string basicly) 2bb. go into a special move bascily(lol im to lazy to write it down ya know go into a roll perhaps or lk hurricane kick misses throw ect.) OK other things..ken is fairly combo freindly......I mean he has some pretty basic chain combos to supers that do a good amount of damage.....example would be cross up roundhouse ducking lk,lp standing fierce(this combos....more examples right there) into qcb,qcb +k. Also C groove has easy stuff like chain combo to qcfqcf+mp then lp roll on last hit then do a fierce shoryuken.....also when you use the level 2 shinryuken as a anti air(or combo it whatever...qcf,qcf+mk) do a air hurricane kick as your about to land...this will allow you to hit with a shoryuken or your move of choice easier after words.....As im sure people have shoryuken and like when they land they end up missing something along the lines of that. After jab shoryukens do shinryukens easy stuff like that......Also remember for the shinryukens you only have to wiggle the stick left and dont have to mash any buttons to get all the hits...just press left and right really fast. Standing close roundhouse comes out fast...easliy chains after a ducking jab or what have you...example cross up mk, ducking jab, standing roundhosue, hcf+lk. Hmm what akuma ken can cancle his Mp in the air. As i said earlier remember ken has alot of moves that have little delay so you can use alot of his stuff even if the opponent blocks in the bread and butter combo doesnt matter if you hit with it or not...use this combo alot its good, safe, and does a fair amount of gaurd damage. Also some times like ive said earlier beacuse of the toward+roundhouse good recover like say you are pressuring the opponent in the corner do a slow fireball do toward roundhouse after them(like so they miss perhaps) this is another good way to bait your opponent.....Fireballs then toward+roundhouse misses then you shoryuken....stuff like that. Try to rush down when you play as ken....the delay before his fireball can make it fairly hard to get breathing room at times......Unfortatny though.....i big reason which keeps me from picking ken in tournments(though this is a personal reason) is that ken has questionable prioirty at times.....maybe its just me but when i fight sagat say ryu has a easlier time trading....some of kens moves just seem to lack prioirty IMO.....making it hard to go against huge prioirty monsters like ducking fierce dude.(though honestnly i dont mind sagat he should be good IMO.) hmm dang im getting tired of typing.......hmmm also im not quite sure if ken and akuma have the shoryuken wise like ryu how ryus will beat anything if timed right....i mean one time i thought i timed something so it will beat it out but i still ended up misses....i know that akumas shoryuken does trade sometimes were ryus will beat....though it may have been bad timing on my part i guess.....anyway maybe all check that out another day...... OK shit im gonna guess i forgot stuff so maybe all put it later...ok thats all for now.... later. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:23:2002 09:17 PM: *smacks head* oh ok i forgot something i rememberz... KEN ok also the toward +roundhouse is good against low it goes over them and beats them..another reason why this is a good move to sorta try and gain ground..... also level 1 shinryukens are slightly abusable...remember you only have to press back and forth rapidly to get all the can about 25% gaurd damage and a a fair amount of life it has pretty good recovery so many times you forget that (as in say your blocking it, sigh even im guilty of it) to try and hit early..cuz the recovery is pretty good on you could even go into another one if your lucky or a fierce shoryuken whatever...... OK thats really all i have to see right now! All times are GMT. The time now is 12:09 AM. 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